Delicious Apple Spice Coffee Cake Recipe for Breakfast

Dear esteemed coffee lovers,

I come to you with a recipe sure to tantalize your taste buds and awaken your senses. As a passionate barista, I know that there’s nothing quite like beginning your day with a cup of hot, steaming coffee, especially when paired with the perfect slice of cake.

That’s why I wanted to share my recipe for an incredibly delicious apple spice coffee cake. This cake is a perfect blend of warmth and sweetness, infused with the delightful flavors of cinnamon, apple pie spice, and vanilla. It has a rich and crumbly texture that is absolutely irresistible.

I truly believe that this recipe is an outstanding addition to any cook’s repertoire. Not only does it taste heavenly but also its aroma will fill your house and evoke feelings of comfort and coziness.

So, brew yourself a pot of coffee, take out your ingredients and let me guide you through the process of creating this amazing spiced apple cake.

Trust me; your senses will thank you later.


Your Barista

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Apple Spice Coffee Cake
Apple Spice Coffee Cake

Oh, dear coffee lovers! Behold, for I bring to thee the recipe you never knew you needed until now. A recipe so divine, it will awaken your taste buds and make your heart sing with joy. I present to you – the Apple Spice Coffee Cake!

Let me tell you why you’ll fall in love with this recipe. This spiced apple cake is perfect for any time of day, especially when paired with a steaming cup of coffee. Picture this – a warm slice of cake with soft oats and sweet, tart apple pieces that melt in your mouth with every bite you take. The blend of cinnamon and apple pie spice create an aromatic delight that lingers in your senses, making you want more.

This delicious cake recipe boasts a tender crumb texture that makes it perfect for any kind of occasion. Want to surprise your family with a homemade breakfast? This apple coffee cake is just what you need. Hosting a brunch or dinner party? Let this cake be the star of the show! It is versatile, easy-to-make, and a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

But hold on, there’s more. This standout recipe can transform into something new with just a few adjustments. Feeling daring? Swap out the apple filling for cherry or blueberry pie filling instead! Want to change things up even more? Make it paleo-friendly by using almond flour instead of Bisquick baking mix.

In conclusion, my fellow coffee-enthusiasts, this Apple Spice Coffee Cake is not just another cake recipe – it is an experience. With its unique blend of flavors and textures, versatility and easiness to make substitutions or variations, it’s sure to sweep you off your feet and make you fall in love at first bite!

Ingredient List

 Satisfy your cravings with a slice of this warm apple spice coffee cake.
Satisfy your cravings with a slice of this warm apple spice coffee cake.

Ingredients for the Cake

  • Bisquick baking mix: 3 cups
  • Sugar: 1 cup
  • Light brown sugar: 1/2 cup (packed)
  • Egg: 2
  • Butter, softened: 1 cup
  • Vanilla extract: 2 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon: 1 tsp
  • Apple pie spice: 1 tsp
  • Half-and-half cream: 1 cup

Ingredients for the Streusel Topping

  • Bisquick baking mix: 1/2 cup
  • Light brown sugar: 1/2 cup (packed)
  • Ground cinnamon: 1/2 tsp
  • Butter, softened: 4 tsp

What Makes This Recipe Stand Out?

This Apple Spice Coffee Cake recipe is a delightful option for morning or afternoon tea. The cake is incredibly moist and full of flavors that will awaken your taste buds. The main difference between this recipe and a regular apple coffee cake is that this cake has a thicker layer of streusel topping, which takes it to another level.

The Recipe How-To

 A slice of this cake is like a cozy hug in every bite.
A slice of this cake is like a cozy hug in every bite.

Now that we have gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to learn how to make this delicious Apple Spice Coffee Cake. Follow these simple steps to make it just right:

Prepare the Streusel Topping

First things first, let’s start with the streusel topping. In a bowl, combine 1/2 cup of Bisquick baking mix, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of apple pie spice. Cut in 4 tablespoons of butter until the mixture becomes crumbly. Set this mixture aside for later.

Mix the Batter

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of Bisquick baking mix, 1/3 cup of granulated sugar, 1/3 cup of light brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of apple pie spice. Mix them all together thoroughly.

In another bowl, whisk together an egg and a cup of half-and-half cream, then pour this mixture into the dry ingredients. Mix everything until you have a smooth batter.

Incorporate Apples

Chop two peeled and cored apples into small cubes and fold them into the batter.

Add Streusel Topping

Grease an 8×8 inch baking dish with butter or cooking spray. Pour half the batter into the dish, spreading it evenly over the bottom. Sprinkle half the streusel on top. Repeat with the remaining batter and streusel.


Put the cake in preheated oven and bake for about 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Cool and Decorate

Now remove from the oven and let it cool for at least 10-15 minutes before dusting with powdered sugar. Serve it topped with whipped cream or Cool Whip.


Substitutions and Variations

 The aroma of cinnamon and apples in the air means it's time for coffee cake.
The aroma of cinnamon and apples in the air means it’s time for coffee cake.

Hearken, coffee cake enthusiasts! Thou art free to modify this recipe as thou pleasest. I have put together a few suggestions for thou to experiment with.

– Substitutions:

If thou hath allergies, fear not! Thou canst substitute the flour in this recipe for gluten-free flour or almond flour. Instead of sour cream, thou can use Greek yogurt, buttermilk or cream cheese. For a dairy-free version, thou can substitute butter and cream with vegan alternatives such as coconut oil and almond milk.

– Variations:

To shake up this recipe, thou canst add in some freshly diced apples or nuts into the batter. Thy kitchen will smell divine! If thou art feeling adventurous, try using different types of apples to add an extra layer of flavor. Granny Smiths with their tart flavor are perfect for this recipe as they contrast with the sweet streusel topping.

For a paleo version, replace the Bisquick baking mix with a mixture of almond flour and coconut flour. In addition, use coconut oil instead of butter and replace the brown sugar with honey for sweetness.

– Toppings:

If coffee cake crumble is not thy favorite topping, there are many other options that can elevate thy spiced apple coffee cake game. Try sprinkling toasted oats over top or adding pieces of caramelized apple pie filling. For a richer flavor profile, drizzle vanilla glaze over top made by whisking powdered sugar with half-and-half cream and vanilla extract until smooth.

Remember that the possibilities of variations are endless, so do not be afraid to get creative in thy kitchen!

Serving and Pairing

 Fill your kitchen with the smell of apple spice goodness.
Fill your kitchen with the smell of apple spice goodness.

Oh, happy day! The apple spice coffee cake is ready to be served, and boy, oh boy, the aroma filling the room is nothing short of heavenly. Now comes the best part – tasting! First things first, slice the coffee cake into generous portions, and don’t worry about making them look perfect – this isn’t a banquet feast where visual appeal reigns supreme. The apple spice coffee cake is all about flavour, so don’t be afraid to let it shine.

Now, grab your cup of warm spiced apple coffee or your favorite brew and get ready for a party in your mouth! The subtle sweetness of the vanilla and brown sugar complements the spices so well that you’ll find yourself going in for seconds even before you know it. If you’re feeling fancy or have guests over, dust the pieces with powdered sugar or dollop some whipped cream on top for added indulgence.

If you’re wondering about pairing options, fruits are always a great choice! Since there are already apples in this recipe, why not add some fresh pears or berries as accompaniments? For something savory, a breakfast quiche or an omelette would make for a great balance.

On the other hand, you can also opt to pair the Apple Spice Coffee Cake with more coffee – after all, it is a coffee cake! But if you want to go beyond that and try something new, why not explore tea or hot chocolate options?

Regardless of how you choose to serve and pair this delectable spiced apple coffee cake recipe, one thing’s for sure – it’ll be an instant hit with everyone who tries it!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 The perfect pairing of coffee and apple spice.
The perfect pairing of coffee and apple spice.

Hark! Forsooth this apple spice coffee cake recipe is no mere trifle, and one may find oneself with leftovers. Lo, fear not, for I have advice aplenty to make the most of thy abundance.

To store the cake, allow it to cool completely before wrapping tightly in plastic wrap or placing in an airtight container. It will last for up to four days at room temperature or a week in the fridge. But beware! The crumble topping may lose its crispness over time.

If thou would like to make this cake ahead of time, it can be prepared up to two days in advance. Bake the cake as directed but allow it to cool completely before wrapping and storing in the fridge. Then simply reheat it in a 300-degree oven for 10-15 minutes or microwave individual slices for just a few seconds.

If that seems too complicated, there is yet another way to enjoy this delightful concoction even after a few days have passed – simply toast it. A slice of this spiced apple coffee cake, toasted until lightly crisp on the edges, makes for a delectable treat with thy morning cup of joe.

In conclusion, whether thou art preparing this coffee cake in advance or simply looking to savor your leftover slice for as long as possible, storing and reheating is easy when done correctly. So go forth and enjoy every last crumb of thy precious creation!

Tips for Perfect Results

 A little slice of heaven to go with your morning coffee.
A little slice of heaven to go with your morning coffee.

Welcome, my dear coffee cake enthusiasts! Now that you have the recipe and the list of ingredients for your apple spice coffee cake, it’s time to make sure it turns out perfectly stunning. I’ve gathered some tips from my years of experience as a barista, home cook, and baking enthusiast to help you get the perfect texture, flavor, and presentation for your delicious coffee cake. Keep reading to learn about my best tips for perfect results.

Firstly, before starting to bake, make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature. This will help them mix together evenly and ensure that your cake is moist and fluffy rather than dense or dry. Set out your eggs, butter, milk or cream, sour cream or yogurt (if needed), and any other refrigerated ingredients you’re using at least an hour before you start baking.

Secondly, when mixing the ingredients together for your coffee cake batter, take care not to overmix. Over-mixing can create too much gluten in the flour which can affect the texture of the cake. Mix until just combined then stop. It’s better to leave small lumps in the batter than to overwork it.

Thirdly, be sure to measure all ingredients carefully using proper measuring cups and spoons. Baking is like chemistry where precise measurement plays a critical role in the final result. Using too much or too little of one ingredient can alter the balance of flavors or textures.

Fourthly, don’t be afraid to use substitutions in your recipe if you don’t happen to have all the exact ingredients called for. For example, if you don’t have Bisquick mix on hand you can easily make your own by combining 1 cup of all-purpose flour with 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder and ½ teaspoon of salt.

Finally, when it comes time to serve your apple spice coffee cake remember that it goes wonderfully with a steaming cup of hot coffee! You can also try serving it with some sweetened whipped cream or a dusting of powdered sugar on top.

By following these tips, you will ensure that your coffee cake comes out perfect and satisfies both you and those lucky enough to share it with you. Happy baking!


Hark! I hear your questions, and make haste to provide thee with answers to clear thy doubts, as you embark upon the journey of making this splendid apple spice coffee cake. Here are some commonly asked queries for this recipe:

What’s the difference between coffee cake and streusel?

When it comes to crumb cake and coffee cake, the amount of streusel topping used is the key differentiator. In general, crumb cake has a more substantial layer of streusel topping compared to coffee cake, and coffee cake can be made without the addition of streusel topping.

What makes coffee cake different from cake?

What sets coffee cakes apart from other cakes is their sugary streusel topping, which adds a delightful crunch to each bite. Unlike traditional cakes that rely on frosting, coffee cakes often have a drizzle of glaze on top but are otherwise left unadorned. While some coffee cakes feature a swirl of the streusel within the cake, others include tasty additions such as nuts, fruit or chocolate.

How do you increase the flavor of coffee in a cake?

As a barista, I’ve learned various ways to infuse coffee flavor into baked goods. One trick I’ve discovered is to incorporate coffee two ways into the batter. A straightforward method is to add instant espresso powder to the mix. However, using freshly brewed coffee can also make a difference in the flavor profile. To do this, replace some or all of the liquid in the recipe with coffee.

Another way to elevate the coffee flavor is by adding a mocha swirl to the mix. To make this, mix melted chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and freshly brewed coffee. Drizzle this mixture over the batter and use a knife to swirl it in.

When it comes to crumb toppings, why not pack it with coffee too? Simply add instant espresso powder to the crumb mixture before topping the batter. The result is a delicious coffee-flavored crumbly topping on your baked goods.

Finally, my personal favorite, give your baked goods a boozy latte glaze. Combine powdered sugar, milk, and coffee in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Remove the pan from the heat and add a splash of Kahlua or Bailey’s Irish Cream. Drizzle the glaze over the baked goods for a delectable boozy kick.

These are just some of the methods I’ve found that can take your coffee baked goods to the next level. Experiment with different ways to incorporate coffee flavors into your recipes and make your taste buds sing.

What is the difference between coffee cake and crumble cake?

When it comes to comparing crumb cake and coffee cake, the most significant variation lies in the quantity of streusel topping. Crumb cake boasts a chunkier and more lavish layer of streusel topping than coffee cake, while coffee cake can additionally be prepared without this particular topping. Furthermore, a more elaborated version of crumb cake, the New York style crumb cake, stands out for its larger crumbs.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, there’s no doubt that this delicious and simple Apple Spice Coffee Cake recipe is a winner in every way possible. You’ll love how easy it is to put together with simple pantry ingredients, and how well it pairs with a warm cup of coffee. With its perfect blend of spiced apple flavors and the delightful crumble topping, this Apple Spice Coffee Cake is sure to be a hit with everyone.

Whether you’re looking for an easy breakfast treat or an impressive dessert to serve for dinner, this recipe won’t disappoint. So go ahead and give it a try! Trust me, your taste buds will thank you. And if you find yourself needing any tips or more clarification while making the recipe, don’t hesitate to refer back to this article – we’ve got you covered!

Apple Spice Coffee Cake

Apple Spice Coffee Cake Recipe

Found that on the back of a Cool-Whip label and it is a favourite for potlucks. This recipe is for an 8-inch round, but I normally double it for a 9X13-inch cake.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 35 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Calories 384.8 kcal


  • 4 ounces Cool Whip
  • 10 ounces apple pie filling (1/2 can)
  • 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon soft butter
  • 2 teaspoons apple pie spice or 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 1/2 cups Bisquick baking mix

crumb topping

  • 3 tablespoons cold butter
  • 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 cup Bisquick baking mix
  • 1 teaspoon apple pie spice or 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup oatmeal


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon half-and-half cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  • Grease an 8-inch pan.
  • Combine the ingredients from cool whip to the spices.
  • Pulse in a food processor for 10 to 15 times (do not over process).
  • In a large bowl, mix with the 2 1/2 cups Bisquick mix.
  • Stir gently about 20 strokes until well mixed, moist, yet still lumpy.
  • Spread into pan.
  • Mix the crumb ingredients cold butter to 1/3 cup oatmeal until well mixed and crumbly.
  • Put on the batter in pan.
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
  • Mix the icing ingredients and add half & half until the icing is not too fluid.
  • Drizzle over the warm, not hot cake.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 120gCalories: 384.8kcalCarbohydrates: 61.8gProtein: 4.2gFat: 13.9gSaturated Fat: 7.1gCholesterol: 34.6mgSodium: 520.4mgFiber: 1.3gSugar: 37.5g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Apple, Breads, Brunch, Easy, Fruit, Potluck
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