Indulge in a Delicious Coffee Macaroon Recipe

Welcome to the world of coffee macarons – where the delicate sweetness of a macaron meets the bold flavor of your favorite coffee. As a barista, I am always experimenting with different ways to bring out the unique flavors of coffee, and these coffee macarons definitely do that with each bite.

Coffee and macarons are truly a match made in heaven. The creamy texture of a macaron combined with the richness and aroma of coffee makes for an unforgettable experience. Our recipe features two delicate almond flour cookies joined together with a rich coffee buttercream filling.

It’s hard to resist biting into one of these delicious treats once you’ve had your first taste. With every bite, you’ll feel as if you’re transported to a café in Paris, sipping on a deliciously creamy French coffee while enjoying a freshly baked macaron.

Our recipe is easy and straightforward to follow, so even if you’re not an experienced baker or cook, you’ll be able to make these coffee macarons like a pro. Get ready to impress your family and friends with this indulgent recipe that will soon become one of your go-to dessert options.

So grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive right into this amazing coffee macaron recipe!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Coffee Macaroons
Coffee Macaroons

Coffee lovers, this one’s for you! If you’re looking for a new way to enjoy your daily dose of caffeine, I promise this recipe will become one of your favorites. These coffee macaroons are the perfect balance of sweet and bitter, with a creamy coffee-flavored filling that will make your taste buds sing.

What sets this recipe apart is the use of real coffee beans – not just instant coffee powder – which really elevates the flavor. The combination of ground almonds, powdered sugar, and egg whites give these macaron shells a delicate texture that is both crunchy and chewy at the same time. Plus, they are gluten-free!

But let’s talk about that filling. It’s a rich and creamy coffee buttercream that tastes like a dream. Sweet but with a subtle bitterness from the espresso powder, it complements the macaron shells perfectly. You can even dip them in melted chocolate or sprinkle some chocolate-covered coffee beans on top for an extra indulgent touch.

Not only are these coffee macarons delicious, but they are also stunning to look at. They make for an impressive dessert to serve at a dinner party or as a homemade gift to impress your friends and family.

But don’t just take my word for it – try this recipe yourself and see what all the fuss is about. Once you taste them, you’ll understand why these coffee macarons are quickly becoming one of my go-to desserts. Go ahead, give it a try – I dare you not to fall in love!

Ingredient List

“These coffee macaroons have a perfect balance of sweetness and bold coffee flavor.”

Coffee Macaron Shells:

  • 2 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1 cup of almond flour
  • 1 tbsp of instant coffee or espresso powder
  • 3 egg whites, at room temperature
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar

Coffee Buttercream Filling:

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp of instant coffee or espresso powder
  • Pinch of salt

Optional Toppings:

  • Chocolate-covered coffee beans
  • White chocolate ganache


If you are making espresso macarons, you can also use mocha filling: add some melted dark chocolate to the buttercream frosting.

For vegan macarons, replace egg whites with the liquid from a can of chickpeas (also called aquafaba).

The Recipe How-To

“One bite of these macaroons and you’ll feel like you’re sitting in a cozy café in Paris.”

Now that we have gone through the ingredients list, let’s dive into how to make these delicious Coffee Macaroons Recipe!

Step 1: Making the Macaron Shells

The first step to making any macaron is creating the shell. The key is to mix the almond flour, cornstarch, and powdered sugar together in a bowl for several minutes until it is blended thoroughly. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until they are stiff, making sure you add half of the granulated sugar halfway through. Once done, incorporate both bowls into one by folding them together gently.

Step 2: Piping and Drying

Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C) and on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, pipe uniform circles onto each sheet from a piping bag. Leave to dry out for around 30 minutes or until you notice a shiny surface appear on each of the shells.

Step 3: Baking

When your macaron shells have dried out, bake them in your preheated oven for approximately 12-15 minutes until they are cooked perfectly.

Step 4: Making Coffee Buttercream Filling

To create the buttercream filling for these heavenly coffee macarons, start by mixing one cup of softened butter together with two cups of powdered sugar using an electric mixer. Add some coffee essence or brewed strong coffee-infused mixture that you made on top while continuing to mix.

Step 5: Filling and Serving

Once your macarons have cooled after baking, spread the coffee-flavored buttercream onto one side of each shell and sandwich them together. At this point in time, you can either dust each filled creamy espresso macaron with cocoa powder or store it away in your refrigerator for later enjoyment.

These macarons will be perfect as an indulgent dessert or as a snack with coffee. Store them for up to five days in a tightly covered container at room temperature, but trust me, they won’t last that long!

Substitutions and Variations

“I never knew coffee and coconut could taste so perfect together until I tried these macaroons!”

When it comes to macarons, there are endless possibilities for customization. Here are some substitutions and variations you can try with this coffee macaron recipe:

1. Chocolate-Covered Coffee Beans: For an added crunch and burst of flavor, try adding chopped chocolate-covered coffee beans to your macaron filling.

2. Different Frostings: While the suggested coffee buttercream frosting is a delicious option, try switching it up by using a white chocolate ganache, espresso buttercream, or even dulce de leche for a caramel twist.

3. Vegan Macarons: To make these macarons vegan, simply replace the egg whites with aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas) and use powdered sugar that’s been processed without bone char.

4. Mocha Macarons: For a mocha twist on this recipe, add cocoa powder to your macaron shells and filling along with the instant coffee or espresso powder.

5. Chocolate Macarons: If you’re a chocolate lover, try making chocolate macaron shells and filling them with the coffee buttercream or ganache for a rich and decadent dessert.

6. French Coffee Macarons: For a touch of French flair, add some vanilla extract to your macaron shells and fill them with a creamy coffee-flavored cream.

7. Espresso Macarons: Use espresso powder instead of instant coffee to give your macarons an extra strong coffee flavor.

Remember to experiment with ingredients and ratios until you find your favorite combination. Have fun customizing your coffee macarons!

Serving and Pairing

“These macaroons are perfect for coffee lovers who also have a sweet tooth.”

Picture this: you just took your coffee macarons out of the oven, and they smell divine. But now comes the question: how do I serve these fluffy little bites of heaven? Fear not, my fellow coffee lover, for I have some recommendations that will truly elevate your coffee macarons experience.

Firstly, think about what kind of coffee flavoring you could pair with your macarons. Would you like to stick with the classic vanilla or almond flavors suggested in the recipe? Or would you prefer to experiment by pairing them with more exotic flavors such as dulce de leche or espresso buttercream frosting?

One suggestion is to pair them with a cup of French press coffee. The bold flavor and creamy texture of French press coffee complements the delicate sweetness of the macarons perfectly. It’s like a match made in heaven!

Another great pairing is with a cup of iced coffee. The cold temperature provides a refreshing contrast to the warmth and sweetness of the macarons. This combination is perfect for a summer afternoon treat.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try serving your coffee macarons alongside some white chocolate ganache or chocolate-covered coffee beans. The velvety richness and chocolatey notes will add a perfect touch of richness to your fluffy little macarons.

And if you’re vegan or dairy-free, don’t be afraid to experiment with plant-based milk such as almond or oat milk. It adds a nutty flavor that pairs amazingly well with the almond flour used in the macaron shells.

In conclusion, there are plenty of tasty ways to serve and pair your coffee macarons – all it takes is a little bit of creativity and an appreciation for good quality coffee and ingredients. Whether you’re sharing them with friends or enjoying them as a solo treat, these fluffy bites are sure to impress any coffee lover out there!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

“You won’t need a latte to get your caffeine fix with these coffee macaroons.”

Once you have made your delightful coffee macarons, you may wonder how to keep them fresh and enjoy them. Here are some tips for make-ahead, storing, and reheating.

If you want to prepare the shells in advance, you can bake the macaron shells and freeze them. If you freeze them right off the oven, they will yield better results when it comes to texture. Store them wrapped in cling film, placing them in the freezer for up to a month. You might think it is best not to store the filled coffee macarons overnight because of their delicate texture, but actually storing them overnight will result in a soft and chewy macaron shell that is perfect for filling with buttercream frosting or ganache filling!

Once filled, store the coffee macarons in an airtight container and let them set in the refrigerator for at least one hour before consuming. This resting time allows the macarons to mature and develop flavor while retaining their texture.

When it comes to reheating, there’s no need! The beauty of these classic French treats is that they do not need any reheating. Just take them out of the refrigerator, let them sit on room temperature for a few minutes and voila! You have yourself a mouth-watering treat that will satisfy your cravings for coffee flavored desserts!

Follow these tips on make-ahead, storing and reheating for perfectly fresh and delectable coffee macarons everytime!

Tips for Perfect Results

“Forget coffee cake, these macaroons are the ultimate coffee dessert.”

Let me share with you some tips to make sure your coffee macarons come out perfectly every time.

First, ensuring that all your ingredients are at room temperature is key to achieving the perfect macaron shell. This means taking out the eggs and butter out of the fridge a few hours before you start baking.

Second, sift together the almond flour, powdered sugar, and instant espresso, making sure to remove any large bits or clumps. This will help ensure a smooth and even texture in your macaron shells.

Third, when whipping your egg whites, add your granulated sugar slowly as you whip for a stable meringue. The meringue should hold stiff peaks but not be over-whipped, otherwise it will become grainy.

Fourth, fold the almond flour mixture into the meringue in three parts, making sure not to under or overmix the batter. The right consistency should be smooth and have a lava-like thickness.

Fifth, use parchment paper or silicone mats instead of greased baking sheets. This will allow for even heat distribution and prevent sticking.

Sixth, let the macarons rest for 30 minutes to an hour after piping them onto the baking sheet to allow them to form a skin on top. This skin will allow them to rise properly without cracking during baking.

Seventh, bake in a preheated oven at 300°F (150°C) for about 15-18 minutes. Keep an eye on them as they bake as they can quickly go from being undercooked to being overcooked, which will cause problems during assembly.

Eighth, let the macarons cool completely before removing them from the parchment paper or mat. They should easily release once cooled down.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll produce beautiful and delicious coffee macarons every time!

Bottom Line

In concluding, I hope this Coffee Macaroons Recipe not only awakens your taste buds but also encourages you to experiment with flavors and techniques when making coffee-based desserts. One of the beautiful things about the art of coffee-making is that there’s always room for exploration, which is one reason why we continue to evolve and experiment with new variations.

By following the information in all sections of this article, you are guaranteed a delicious result that’ll leave your friends and family asking for more. Still, don’t stop there; feel free to personalize the recipe as you see fit using the substitutions and variations tips shared here. You may discover a version that excites not just your tastebuds but also your creativity.

If you need an extra push, just imagine biting into a beautiful French-style coffee macaron with creamy espresso filling or chocolate-covered coffee beans garnishing your lovely dessert. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through your kitchen and complementing the macarons’ delicate sweetness does not get better than that.

In summary, let’s keep fueling our love for coffee by experimenting with caffeinated delights like these Coffee Macaroons Recipe. Keep exploring and have fun!

Coffee Macaroons

Coffee Macaroons Recipe

Scrumptious melt in your mouth cookies.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine French
Servings 12 Large
Calories 118.4 kcal


  • rice paper (you know, those wrappers for fresh spring rolls. If you cook on silpat not needed)
  • 4 ounces ground almonds
  • 6 ounces sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon coffee extract (if you do not have make with 1 tsp instant coffee and 1 tbs hot water)
  • 12 chocolate-covered coffee beans, to garnish (optional)


  • Line 2 or 3 baking trays with rice paper or silpat.
  • Preheat oven to 375 F.
  • Mix the round almond, sugar and all but one tablespoon of the egg white. Stir until evenly blended.
  • Stir in the cornstarch, vanilla and coffee.
  • Spoon into a piping/pastry bag fited with a 1/2 inch plain nozzle. Pipe one pans in large round circles. If you don't want to pipe, spoon onto pan neatly.
  • Tope each with a chocolate coffee bean (optional).
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly browned, risen and slightly cracked.
  • If you used the rice paper, cut to fit each and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 389gCalories: 118.4kcalCarbohydrates: 17gProtein: 2.6gFat: 4.7gSaturated Fat: 0.4gSodium: 9.5mgFiber: 1.2gSugar: 14.7g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Low Cholesterol
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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