How to Brew Delicious Greek Coffee – A Step-By-Step Guide

Picture this – a cozy café nestled in the heart of Greece, the Mediterranean sun warming your skin and the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. The Greeks love their coffee, and for good reason. This country is renowned for its strong, bold espresso and intricate brewing techniques that have been passed down through generations.

If you’re a coffee lover like me, you’ll definitely want to add Greek Coffee to your repertoire. Greek Coffee, also known as Ellinikos Kafes, is a strong coffee similar to Turkish Coffee that’s brewed in a small pot called a briki. The ingredients are simple – just coffee grounds, water and sugar – but the blend creates a delicious and aromatic coffee that’s served in tiny demitasse cups.

In this recipe article, I’ll show you how to make Greek Coffee from scratch with detailed instructions and tips for perfect results. You don’t need special equipment or years of barista experience – just patience and love for the process. Trust me, once you’ve had a sip of this rich and flavorful coffee, you won’t be able to resist making it again and again.

Buckle up and get ready for a journey into the world of Greek coffee!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Greek Coffee
Greek Coffee

Have you ever tried Greek coffee? If not, you’re in for a treat! Greek coffee, also known as Ellinikos Kafes, is unlike any other coffee you’ve had before. It’s rich, robust, and full of flavor. There’s something about the way it’s brewed that makes it so unique.

What sets Greek coffee apart from other types of coffee is the way it’s brewed. It’s prepared using a special pot called a briki and traditional Greek ingredients like Metaxa brandy, apricot brandy, and coffee sugar. The briki allows for slow brewing which results in a strong and flavorful cup of coffee.

One of the things I love about this recipe is how versatile it is. You can enjoy it hot or cold, with or without milk. You can add different spices such as cardamom or cinnamon to give it an extra kick. It’s perfect for any time of day: start your day with a hot cup of Greek coffee or sip iced Greek frappe on a hot summer day.

Another great thing about this recipe is that it’s easy to make once you get the hang of it. With just a few simple steps you can make perfect Greek coffee every time. All you need is a briki (or small pot), some ground Greek style coffee (also known as ellinikos kafes), water and sugar (optional).

Once you try Greek coffee, it will quickly become one of your new favorites. The aroma alone will transport you to an outdoor café in Greece. It’s the perfect drink to enjoy with friends or by yourself on a lazy afternoon.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an exceptional cup of coffee, then look no further than this Greek Coffee recipe. With its rich flavor and ease of preparation, it’s sure to become one of your favorites!

Ingredient List

 A rich aroma of freshly ground coffee beans fills the air.
A rich aroma of freshly ground coffee beans fills the air.

Ingredients for Making Greek Coffee

To make a delicious Greek coffee, the ingredients you will need are:

  • 1 demitasse cup of water (equals to 2-3 ounces)
  • 2-3 teaspoons Greek coffee grounds (finely ground)
  • 1-2 teaspoons coffee sugar (optional)

Note: If you prefer your coffee on the sweeter side, add more sugar accordingly.

For making a larger quantity of Greek coffee, use the same ratio of 1 heaping teaspoon of coffee and 1 teaspoon of sugar for each cup of water. For example, for four cups, you would need:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 heaping teaspoons Greek coffee grounds
  • 4 teaspoons coffee sugar

If you don’t have Greek coffee readily available, Turkish coffee or any other finely ground coffee blend can be substituted.

The Recipe How-To

 The Greek Coffee is boiling to perfection.
The Greek Coffee is boiling to perfection.

Step 1: Gather ingredients and equipment

To make Greek coffee, you will need Greek coffee grounds, water, and sugar. You can also add a splash of Metaxa brandy or apricot brandy if you want to give it a little kick. For equipment, you will need a small pot called a briki (also known as an ibrik), which is typically made of copper or brass, but can also be made of stainless steel. You will also need a heat source, such as a stovetop.

Step 2: Measure the water and coffee

For one serving of Greek coffee, measure out one demitasse cup (about 2-3 ounces) of cold water into the briki. Add one teaspoon of Greek coffee and two teaspoons of sugar (optional). For a slightly stronger brew, you can add more coffee or less water.

Step 3: Heat the Greek coffee

Place the briki on the stovetop over medium-low heat. Stir the mixture for about 30 seconds until the coffee and sugar are dissolved. Do not stir again during the brewing process as it can disturb the foam layer that forms on top.

Step 4: Brew the Greek coffee

Allow the coffee to come to a boil slowly. As it boils, watch for it to start foaming up; once the foam reaches near the top of the briki, remove it from the heat source briefly to let it settle down before putting it back on low heat for another minute or so until done. Repeat this process three times. This will ensure that all of the coffee has brewed properly and that a lovely foamy layer (kaimaki) forms on top.

Step 5: Serve your Greek coffee

Once brewed and ready, pour your steaming hot Greek coffee into small cups (demitasse cups). To balance out the bitterness, it is common to serve Greek coffee with a glass of cold water. This helps to cleanse your palate between sips and also to cool down the strong flavor of the coffee. Enjoy with traditional Greek sweets like baklava or galaktoboureko.

Now you are ready to make a perfect cup of Greek coffee! Follow these simple steps for a rich, flavorful, and authentic experience.

Substitutions and Variations

 Sipping on this aromatic and strong coffee is like taking a trip to Greece.
Sipping on this aromatic and strong coffee is like taking a trip to Greece.

As with any recipe, you can always make substitutions or variations depending on your personal taste or dietary needs. Here are some tips for modifying this Greek coffee recipe:

– Sweeteners: While traditional Greek coffee is made with sugar, you can use any sweetener of your choice such as honey, agave nectar, or stevia to adjust the level of sweetness to your liking.

– Milk: If you prefer a creamier coffee, you can add a splash of milk or cream to your cup. In Greece, it’s common to use evaporated milk known as “sparrows’ milk” instead of regular milk.

– Liquor: To give your coffee an extra kick, try adding a shot of Metaxa brandy or apricot brandy into the mix. This will add a unique flavor and aroma to your cup.

– Spices: If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding a pinch of cinnamon or cardamom into the briki before brewing. This will infuse your Greek coffee with warm and aromatic notes.

– Iced Coffee: To make an iced version of Greek coffee, brew it twice as strong and pour it over ice. You can also add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a luxurious treat.

– Nescafe Frappe: For a refreshing change, try making a Nescafe frappe by blending instant coffee, sugar and water in a shaker until frothy. Serve over ice with milk for an easy summer beverage.

Experiment with different variations until you find the perfect blend for your taste buds. With its rich flavor and inviting aroma, Greek coffee is an excellent base to get creative in the kitchen.

Serving and Pairing

 This traditional Greek Coffee is the ultimate comfort drink.
This traditional Greek Coffee is the ultimate comfort drink.

Once the Greek coffee is ready, it’s time to serve and enjoy it. Since Greek coffee is strong, you might want to pair it with some sweet treats like baklava or koulourakia, a type of crumbly Greek cookie that is perfect for dipping in coffee.

Traditionally, Greek coffee is served in a small cup known as a demi tasse. The size of the cup makes it easier to appreciate and savor the rich and bold flavors of the brew. When serving the coffee, be sure to pour slowly into each cup, allowing the grinds to settle at the bottom before enjoying your first sip.

If you prefer your coffee iced, you can make a Greek frappe coffee. This refreshing and creamy iced coffee is made using instant coffee or brewed coffee combined with milk or ice cream. It can be a great option on hot summer days or as an after-dinner treat.

When serving Greek frappe coffee, you can choose to add some cinnamon or nutmeg on top for extra flavor. You can also pair it with some cookies or muffins to make it even more indulgent.

Whether hot or cold, black or sweetened, Greek coffee offers an intense coffee experience with rich flavors that are sure to please any coffee lover’s palate. So next time you’re looking for a new way to indulge in your caffeine fix, try this traditional Greek recipe for a unique and delicious experience!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Add a touch of sweetness with a side of Baklava.
Add a touch of sweetness with a side of Baklava.

Greek coffee is best enjoyed fresh and hot, but there are times when you might want to make it ahead of time for convenience. To do so, simply follow the instructions above and allow the coffee to cool to room temperature before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

When you’re ready to drink the coffee, simply heat it up in a small saucepan over medium heat until it reaches your desired temperature. Be sure to stir the coffee well before serving.

Storing Greek coffee in the refrigerator can affect its flavor, so it’s recommended to consume it within 1-2 days of making it. If you’re unable to finish the coffee within that timeframe, you can also freeze it for later use.

To freeze Greek coffee, pour it into a freezer-safe container or ice-cube tray and let it freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer the cubes or container to a sealable plastic bag before returning them back to the freezer. When you want to enjoy your frozen Greek coffee, simply defrost and reheat as needed.

It’s important to note that reheating Greek coffee should be done gradually over low heat. Avoid using high heat or a microwave as this can affect both its taste and aroma. Remember, Greek coffee is best enjoyed fresh, but with a little extra effort, you can still enjoy its rich flavors and unique taste even hours after making it.

Tips for Perfect Results

 This simple yet flavorful coffee recipe is the perfect way to start your morning.
This simple yet flavorful coffee recipe is the perfect way to start your morning.

In my years of being a barista, I have learned a few tips to ensure that you can make the perfect Greek coffee. Here are my top tips for perfect results:

1. Use the right equipment

To make traditional Greek coffee, you need a briki – a small copper or brass pot. The material and size of the briki is important as it affects the taste and texture of your coffee. A larger briki will produce weaker coffee while a smaller one will be too strong. Also, be sure to use a good quality heat source that won’t overheat the briki too quickly.

2. Add Sugar at the Right Time

Add sugar during the brewing process and not after! It is imperative that you add sugar before adding water and coffee grounds so the sugar can dissolve perfectly in the water even before heating it.

3. Proper Ingredient Measurement

An important thing to remember is using precise measurements when making your Greek coffee, especially with water and sugar. For perfect results, I’d suggest sticking to the standard amount- 150 ml for two cups of Greek coffee.

4. Be Patient!

Making Greek coffee takes time compared to other types of coffee. Using medium heat and letting the brew develop slowly allows the flavors to unfold beautifully for an authentic taste, so patience is a virtue!

5. Foam Creation

If you’re after that genuine Greek coffee experience you need to pay attention to achieving dense foam on top of your coffee cup once it’s done brewing. Get creative by swirling your serving cup leisurely as you pour your brew mixture.

6. Drink with Care

Finally, sip slowly without stirring to enjoy every layer of flavor that comes with each sip of greek coffee elinikos kafes recipe that brings out an explosion in every taste bud – simply Ah-mazingly unforgettable!

Take note of these simple tips and tricks, and get ready to impress your guests with perfectly brewed Greek coffee that can be a conversation starter during the next family gathering!


Before concluding this recipe article, I want to address some frequently asked questions (FAQ) that may come to your mind while reading this recipe. Some of these questions may include how to properly grind the coffee beans or if instant coffee can be used instead of traditional Greek coffee. Don’t worry; I will provide detailed answers to all of these queries and more in this section. So keep reading to make the perfect cup of traditional Greek coffee every time.

How do they make Greek coffee?

When it comes to making Turkish coffee, the process is a bit different than the traditional drip or espresso brewing methods. First, the coffee grounds are combined with water and potentially sugar in a unique pot called a Briki. From there, the mixture is simmered over low heat until it begins to foam, known as kaymaki. At this point, the coffee is carefully poured into cups and the grounds settle at the bottom, resulting in a bold and flavorful cup of coffee with a smooth finish.

What makes Greek coffee different?

Greek coffee is prepared differently from regular coffee as it is not brewed, but boiled. This method of preparation extracts more nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy compounds from the coffee beans.

What do Greeks put in their coffee?

As a barista, it’s important to know how to make different types of coffee to suit each individual’s taste. Let me break it down for you:
If someone wants a plain cup of coffee without sugar, we call it “Sketos.”
For those who like it strong, we would make a “Varis” by using 2-3 teaspoons of coffee and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
On the other hand, if someone prefers a light cup of coffee, we can make an “Elafris” by using 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of coffee and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
If someone has a sweet tooth, a “Glykos” would be perfect, which consists of 1 teaspoon of coffee and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

What is the ratio for Greek coffee?

For a delicious Greek coffee, you’ll want to start with 2 demi-tasse cups of water, which you can measure using the cups you plan to sip from. Each demi-tasse cup should hold about 1/3 cup of water, or 80 mL. Next, grab 2 heaping teaspoons of Greek coffee, each weighing in at about 7 grams. If you prefer a slightly sweet coffee, you can also add 2 teaspoons (about 10 grams each) of sugar for a metreo.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a unique and flavorful coffee experience, then Greek coffee is definitely worth trying. With the right ingredients and preparation, you can create a delicious cup of Greek coffee that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

From its rich history to its cultural significance, Greek coffee is more than just a beverage – it’s a whole experience. So why not take a trip to Greece without ever leaving your home by making this Greek coffee recipe? Savor the aroma, enjoy the taste, and immerse yourself in a tradition that has been passed down for generations.

Whether you prefer it strong or mild, sweet or bitter, there are plenty of ways to customize this recipe to suit your tastes. So take advantage of the substitutions and variations section to experiment with different flavors and techniques.

Finally, don’t forget to follow the tips and recommendations outlined in this article to achieve perfect results every time. And if you have any questions or concerns along the way, refer to the FAQ section for guidance.

Overall, whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or just looking for something new, I highly recommend giving this Greek coffee recipe a try. Who knows – it may just become your new favorite way to enjoy a cup of joe.

Greek Coffee

Greek Coffee Recipe

Coffee with a Grecian kick to it! Enjoy!
No ratings yet
Prep Time 2 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Greek
Calories 1.2 kcal


  • 4 ounces hot coffee
  • 1/2 ounce apricot brandy
  • 1/2 ounce metaxa brandy
  • whipped cream (optional)


  • Fill a heat-proof, preferably clear cup with coffee. Stir in apricot brandy and Metaxa.
  • Top with whipped cream.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 118gCalories: 1.2kcalProtein: 0.1gSodium: 2.4mg
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy, European, Greek
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