Refresh Your Day with Iced Cappuccino Smoothie

Hello coffee lovers! Today, I am sharing a recipe that is perfect for those hot summer days when you want something refreshing and energizing to start your day. It is a spin on the classic iced cappuccino, but in the form of a smoothie. This iced cappuccino smoothie mix recipe is easy, delicious, and will definitely satisfy your coffee cravings.

Iced coffees are a big trend nowadays, but if you’re looking for something with a little more kick and creaminess, an iced cappuccino smoothie just might be what you need. This smoothie is packed with flavor and caffeine, which makes it an excellent pick-me-up drink in the morning or an afternoon booster to help you power through your day.

One of the best things about this recipe is that it can be made in minutes without spending a lot of money at your favorite coffee shop. Instead of relying on expensive ingredients, all you need are some basic ingredients that can be found easily in your pantry or local grocery store.

In this article, I will provide detailed instructions on how to make this delicious treat from scratch. Additionally, I will share tips and tricks to ensure that you achieve the perfect consistency for your iced cappuccino smoothie every time. Let’s get blending!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix
Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix

Calling all coffee lovers! You won’t want to miss out on this iced cappuccino smoothie mix recipe that’s sure to keep you cool and satisfied. Here’s why you’ll love this recipe.

Firstly, the iced cappuccino smoothie is just what you need when the temperature starts to rise. Rather than sipping on a hot cup of coffee, enjoy the same delicious taste in a more refreshing form. The mixture of chilled coffee and ice cubes creates a perfectly crisp iced coffee that’s perfect for sipping in the sun.

Not only is it refreshing, but this recipe is also low-fat and guilt-free. Using nonfat milk and Splenda sugar substitute instead of regular sugar significantly lowers the calorie count while maintaining a delicious taste. Plus, no need to worry about any added sugars with these healthy substitutions.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy morning pick-me-up, we’ve got you covered with this recipe. The ingredient list includes instant nonfat dry milk powder and instant coffee granules – no boiling water required! Simply blend the ingredients together, pour over ice cubes, and voila! You have yourself an iced cappuccino smoothie in no time.

Lastly, who said iced coffee can’t be fun? This recipe allows for various substitutions and variations, such as adding in chocolate milk or almond butter for an extra treat. Plus, it’s perfect for customization- top with whipped cream or drizzle with caramel syrup if that’s what you like!

Overall, this iced cappuccino smoothie mix recipe is everything you need for a refreshing yet decadent drink that won’t leave you feeling guilty. So grab your blender and give it a try – your taste buds will thank you!

Ingredient List

 Cool off with this refreshing Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix.
Cool off with this refreshing Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix.

Before we proceed with the recipe for the Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix, let’s get all the ingredients ready. Don’t worry, they are all easily available at your local grocery store.

The Ingredients You Need:

  • Instant coffee granules (2 tablespoons)
  • Nonfat dry milk powder (1/2 cup)
  • Splenda sugar substitute(1/4 cup) or any other sugar substitute of your choice
  • Hills Bros Classic Cappuccino Mix (4 cups)
  • Cold water (4 cups)
  • Fat-free milk (1 cup)
  • Vanilla ice cream (1 cup)
  • Ice cubes (1 1/2 cups)

Optional Ingredients You Can Add:

  • Chocolate milk
  • Protein powder
  • Peanut butter
  • Banana cut in chunks
  • Cup brewed coffee
  • Ripe Banana
  • Almond Butter
  • Condensed milk

These additional ingredients are not required but will surely enhance the flavor of your smoothie.

The Recipe How-To

 Sip on this smoothie and feel like you're at a trendy coffee shop.
Sip on this smoothie and feel like you’re at a trendy coffee shop.

Step 1: Prepare the Coffee and Milk

To begin this iced cappuccino smoothie recipe, gather the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of instant coffee granules
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 cup of nonfat milk


In a small bowl, dissolve the instant coffee granules in hot water, and let it cool. Once cooled, pour it into your blender pitcher.

Next, add your nonfat milk to the blender pitcher.

Step 2: Add Your Smoothie Ingredients

Now that we have our coffee mixture ready let’s collect the remaining ingredients:

  • 2 cups of ice cubes
  • 1/4 cup of Splenda sugar substitute
  • 3 tablespoons of instant nonfat dry milk powder
  • Hills Bros Classic Cappuccino Mix (Optional – according to package instructions)


Add your ice cubes, Splenda sugar substitute, and instant nonfat dry milk powder into your blender pitcher with your coffee and milk mixture. To take this recipe up a notch, you can also add in Hills Bros Classic Cappuccino mix according to package instructions.

Step 3: Blend Your Iced Cappuccino Smoothie

It’s time to blend the ingredients together!

Put your blender unit on high and blend until you achieve a smooth texture. Make sure your ice cubes are crushed since that matters a lot for the resulting smoothie! Your smoothie consistency should be deliciously light and thick.

Step 4: Serve and Enjoy!

There you have it, a fantastic recipe for a quick and easy iced cappuccino smoothie! Add additional toppings on top such as chocolate sauce or whipped cream for added flavor. You could also pair this delicious drink with any number of breakfast foods or desserts!

Just remember, for best results use Hills Bros Classic Cappuccino Mix and serve your smoothie chilled to experience the best flavor!

Substitutions and Variations

 This smoothie is the perfect treat on a hot summer day.
This smoothie is the perfect treat on a hot summer day.

Are you looking to switch up this iced cappuccino smoothie recipe and add your own twist to it? Not a problem! Here are some substitutions and variations that will taste just as scrumptious as the original recipe.

If you prefer your coffee with sugar instead of Splenda sugar substitute, swap out the amount of Splenda for regular granulated sugar. For those who love an extra-strong coffee flavor, add an additional tablespoon or two of instant coffee granules to make it more robust.

To make this coffee smoothie dairy-free, replace the nonfat milk with almond or coconut milk, and use a vegan vanilla ice cream. You can also add a spoonful of almond butter with ripe banana chunks to create a creamy consistency.

For a caffeine-free version of this iced cappuccino smoothie, replace the instant coffee granules with cocoa powder. You might also want to try using condensed milk instead of nonfat milk to get that thick and sweet taste.

Looking for a protein boost in your morning breakfast smoothie? Add a scoop or two of protein powder, blended coffee, or nut butter. In case you don’t have vanilla ice cream at home, you can replace it with chocolate ice cream, which will give it a rich and mocha-like taste.

Lastly, if you want to add some crunch into your smoothie, consider throwing in some smoothie bombs – these icy little cubes are loaded with fresh fruits like berries and mangoes or seeds like chia and flaxseed creating popping flavors.

No matter what ingredient swaps you choose, just be creative! These substitutions and variations might become your favorite go-to smoothie recipe in no time!

Serving and Pairing

 Turn your morning coffee into a delicious smoothie with this recipe.
Turn your morning coffee into a delicious smoothie with this recipe.

Once the iced cappuccino smoothie has been made, it is time to think about how best to serve and pair it. This coffee smoothie is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed as a snack or a meal replacement. It is perfect for those hot summer days when you need something refreshing and caffeinated.

To serve this delicious smoothie, it is best to pour it into a tall glass and add a few ice cubes for added chillness. You can also enjoy this smoothie with whipped cream on top for added richness. The smoothie can be served plain or garnished with chocolate powder or caramel sauce.

Pairing the iced cappuccino smoothie with sweets such as cookies, brownies, or lemon bars is an excellent choice for your morning or afternoon snack. Alternatively, pairing it with savory snacks such as mini sandwiches, crackers or cheese platters will create an exciting culinary experience.

Another great pairing option is to have the smoothie with a breakfast sandwich or omelet. The bitterness of the coffee in the smoothie pairs well with the mild flavors of scrambled eggs and toast.

For an afternoon snack, it can be paired with a slice of pie or cake for special occasions. The sweetness of desserts will balance out the bitter taste of coffee in this smoothie, creating an ideal combination of flavors.

In general, the iced cappuccino smoothie goes well with almost any flavor you like, so feel free to experiment with different pairing options to find your favorite combination!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Get the best of both worlds with this smoothie that tastes like coffee and a cappuccino in one.
Get the best of both worlds with this smoothie that tastes like coffee and a cappuccino in one.

Iced cappuccino smoothies can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge for up to three days. Simply blend all the ingredients together and transfer the smoothie into a sealed container or mason jar. I highly recommend using airtight containers to prevent the smoothie from oxidation and keeping its freshness longer.

If you are making a big batch of smoothies for later consumption, you can also store them in a freezer for up to two months. This is perfect when you crave something sweet, delicious, and refreshing on a hot day but don’t have enough time to make it from scratch.

To reheat or defrost your make-ahead iced cappuccino smoothies, simply take it out of the fridge or freezer and let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. After that, give it a good shake or stir before consuming. You may also opt to put your make-ahead smoothie in the fridge overnight or submerge it in cold water instead of letting it sit at room temperature.

If you prefer your iced cappuccino smoothies with ice cream, please note that freezing them may change its original taste and consistency. You might need to re-blend them once they reach room temperature to regain their thick creamy texture.

In case you have any leftovers, do not waste them! Iced cappuccino smoothies can be turned into protein-packed coffee protein shakes by adding some protein powder or peanut butter. You can also use condensed milk instead of non-fat milk for added sweetness.

One common question people have about make-ahead smoothies is whether they can be prepared using instant coffee crystals instead of instant coffee granules. The answer is yes! Instant coffee crystals work just as well as instant coffee granules and can provide the same great taste to your cappuccino smoothie.

By following these storing and reheating tips, you can enjoy your delicious homemade iced cappuccino smoothies anytime and anywhere without compromising its taste and quality.

Tips for Perfect Results

 If you love coffee, you'll love this smoothie even more.
If you love coffee, you’ll love this smoothie even more.

Now that you have the ingredients and recipe in hand, let’s talk about a few tips to ensure your iced cappuccino smoothie comes out perfectly every time.

First, don’t be afraid to adjust the quantity of ice or milk as per your preference. If you want a thicker drink, use more ice and less milk; if you want a smoother drink, reduce the ice and add more milk. The amount of Splenda sugar substitute can also be adjusted according to how sweet you like it.

Secondly, it is essential to use quality coffee products such as instant coffee granules and cappuccino mix. I recommend using Hills Bros Classic Cappuccino Mix, as it gives your drink that authentic café touch.

Thirdly, for maximum frothiness, use cold milk and chilled coffee when blending. Warm milk can reduce the amount of foam formed. You can also swap nonfat milk for almond or chocolate milk if that is your preference.

Fourthly, when blending the ingredients together avoid mixing them too fast or for too long- this could impair the smoothness of the smoothie texture that we are looking to achieve here. Blend the ingredients slowly in intervals and make sure not to rush the process.

Lastly, garnish your iced cappuccino smoothie however you like! I recommend some whipped cream on top with light dusting of cocoa powder or cinnamon, these will give your drink a great taste and appearance!


As a barista, I understand that coffee is a personal and individualistic experience. Everyone has their preferences, and each person’s taste buds are unique. Therefore, I have put together a list of frequently asked questions to address some concerns or challenges that one may face when creating this iced cappuccino smoothie mix recipe. These FAQ answers will help you tailor the recipe to meet your needs and preferences, ensuring that you end up with the perfect cold and creamy iced cappuccino smoothie. Let’s dive in!

How to make blended iced cappuccino?

Let me show you how to whip up a delicious iced coffee in a jiffy. Simply grab a small bowl and mix hot water with instant coffee until fully dissolved. Then, pour this concoction into your blender.

Next up, toss in some sugar, ice cubes, and chocolate milk. Give it a good whirl until it turns nice and frothy. Finally, finish it off with a splash of cream to add that extra touch of velvety goodness. Keep blending until everything is well-combined and creamy.

Once it’s reached the perfect consistency, just pour it into a glass and let the refreshing goodness take care of the rest. Voila! You’ve got yourself a heavenly iced coffee that’s sure to lift your spirits.

How to make iced cappuccino with sachets?

Want to brew a delicious coffee quickly? Start by grabbing your go-to mug and emptying the packet of coffee into it. After that, pour in 200ml of cold water and give it a thorough stir. Don’t be in a rush to drink yet though! Take 20 seconds to let it steep and stir it again for the perfect flavour. For an extra-creamy texture, give your mug a gentle tap on the table before taking a sip. Now, sit back and savour the flavour!

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this iced cappuccino smoothie mix recipe is an ideal combination of taste and health that one cannot resist. The recipe ingredients are easy to find and can be substituted or varied to suit your taste. With this recipe, you can enjoy a refreshing coffee smoothie any time of the day, be it for breakfast or as a mid-day energy-boosting snack.

Moreover, the numerous substitutes in this recipe make it a versatile choice for coffee-lovers who wish to try out various flavours. The ready-to-use hills bros classic cappuccino mix adds additional convenience and ease to your already busy life. The cappuccino smoothie bombs made with condensed milk can add richness and creaminess allowing for an infusion of chocolate milk protein powder to build muscles perfect for post-workout exercises.

In conclusion, whether you choose to blend in almond butter, peanut butter, or frozen fruits such as banana chunks, this smoothie recipe caters to all sorts of preferences while providing benefits from its ingredients. It will leave you feeling satisfied with its creamy texture and rich flavour while providing your body with necessary nutrients like proteins and antioxidants.

Give it a try today and enjoy the benefits of a refreshing iced cappuccino smoothie!

Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix

Iced Cappuccino Smoothie Mix Recipe

a Weight Watchers Recipe. Posted here for safekeeping
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Italian
Calories 64.8 kcal


  • 1/2 cup powdered french vanilla fat free non-dairy coffee creamer
  • 1/3 cup instant coffee granules
  • 1/3 cup instant nonfat dry milk powder
  • 1/4 cup Splenda sugar substitute
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 4 cups nonfat milk
  • 48 ice cubes


  • To prepare the smoothie mix, combine the coffee creamer, coffee granules, milk powder, sugar and cocoa in a blender and pulse several times until finely powdered and well blended.
  • To prepare a smoothie, combine 1/2 cup milk and 2 Tbsp smoothie mix in blender; whirl until smooth. Add 6-8 ice cubes and pulse until thick and creamy.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 258gCalories: 64.8kcalCarbohydrates: 9.6gProtein: 5.9gFat: 0.4gSaturated Fat: 0.3gCholesterol: 3mgSodium: 83.4mgFiber: 0.5gSugar: 7.7g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy, Smoothies
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