Delicious Swedish Coffee Braids Recipe for Breakfast

Welcome, coffee lovers! As a barista and passionate coffee enthusiast, there’s nothing that excites me more than brewing my own homemade Swedish Coffee Braids. If you’re a fan of sweet bread, coffee cake, or anything flavored with cinnamon and cardamom, then listen up because this recipe is calling your name.

I remember the first time I tried a Swedish Coffee Braid. It was at a small bakery in Bishop Hill, Illinois. The aroma of freshly ground cardamom and cinnamon wafted through the air as I took my first bite of the soft and flaky braided loaf. It was unlike anything I’ve ever tasted before – not too sweet, not too spicy – just perfect.

With this recipe for Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread), you too can experience the joy of baking your own homemade sweet yeasted bread that fills your home with comforting and welcoming smells. Trust me; it’s worth every minute of effort.

So clear your schedule, get out your apron, and buckle up for an adventure in baking that will make you feel like a true culinary artist. Let’s get started!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread)
Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread)

Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread) is a delicious recipe that you’ll fall in love with. If you’re a coffee lover and an aficionado of sweet bread, then this might be the perfect thing for you. The blend of the nutty and aromatic flavor of walnuts with the sweetness of sugar and cinnamon combined with the heavenly waft of cardamom will make your taste buds dance.

Not only is it delectable, but it’s also easy to make. Anyone can bake this bread, and this recipe is perfect for beginners. You don’t need to have any past experience nor do you require any fancy equipment to indulge in these scrumptious braided loaves.

Moreover, these Swedish coffee braids are very adaptable to your family’s preferences. Whether your family prefers a crunchier texture or a softer one, you can adjust the baking time accordingly to achieve the desired result. Alternatively, if there’s an ingredient in this recipe that you’d like to exclude or substitute, go ahead and make the necessary modifications – this recipe is versatile and can be tweaked to fit your needs.

In short, if you’re looking for a sweet and comforting treat to share with your loved ones, then look no further than this Swedish Coffee Braids recipe. Not only does its aromatic scent fill up your kitchen but also its unique combination of flavors leaves a refreshing taste on your palate that will last long after you’ve finished the last crumb of the braided loaf.

Ingredient List

 Freshly baked Swedish Coffee Braids ready to be served!
Freshly baked Swedish Coffee Braids ready to be served!

Let’s take a look at everything you’ll need to make this Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread) recipe:

Bread Ingredients:

  • (4 cups) Bread flour
  • (1/2 cup) White flour
  • (2 tsp) Active dry yeast
  • (1 1/4 cup) Water
  • (1/2 cup) Sugar
  • (2 tbsp) Flavored cardamom coffee, Bishop Hill or homemade Swedish coffee
  • 4 stick (1 cup) Softened butter
  • (6 tbsp) Saf-instant yeast
  • (2 tsp) Salt

Liquid Ingredients:

  • (2 cups) Warm milk, divided
  • (1 egg) Whisked
  • (1 yolk) Egg yolk
  • (6 tbsp) Butter, melted

Cinnamon and Walnut Filling:

  • (1/4 cup) Sugar
  • (1/2 cup) chopped walnuts
  • (2 tbsp) Ground cinnamon

This recipe calls for a lot of dough, so it’s important to have all the ingredients on hand before getting started. You can easily find these items in your local supermarket or grocery store. Let’s get started!

The Recipe How-To

 As golden as the sunrise, these braids are the perfect start to your day.
As golden as the sunrise, these braids are the perfect start to your day.

Mixing the Dough

The first step in making Swedish coffee braids is to mix the dough. In a mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of white flour, 2 cups of bread flour, 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 1/4 tsp of salt, and 2 tsp of cardamom. I always use freshly ground cardamom for maximum flavor. Next, heat up 2 cups of milk in a saucepan until it’s just warm to the touch (around 110-115°F). You don’t want it too hot or it will kill the yeast. Add to the mixing bowl the warmed milk, 1/4 cup of softened butter, and a packet of active dry yeast (about 2 tsp). Mix until everything is combined.


Once everything is combined, turn the mixture out onto a floured surface and start kneading. Knead for about 10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Place your dough into a greased bowl and let it rest somewhere warm for about an hour or until it has doubled in size.

Preparing the Filling

While you wait for your dough to rise, prepare your filling by mixing together 2 cups of finely chopped walnuts, 3/4 cup of brown sugar, 1 tbsp of cinnamon, and an egg yolk. Set aside.


Punch down your risen dough and divide it into three equal pieces. Roll each piece out into a rectangle shape on a floured surface. Spread melted butter over each piece and sprinkle the nut mixture over them evenly. Fold each rectangle in half along the long side and pinch the edges together. Braid your three pieces together to form one loaf. Make sure to tuck under both ends.

Final Steps

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) while you set your dough aside to rise again for about 30 minutes. Brush with a whisked egg wash (1 egg white + 1 tbsp of water) before placing it in the oven. Place on a baking sheet and bake for around 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.


Once you’re satisfied with your fully baked Swedish coffee braid, allow it to cool for at least an hour before slicing and serving. It’s perfect paired with a hot cup of coffee or Swedish cardamom flavored coffee. Enjoy this tasty and satisfying homemade Swedish bread recipe.

Substitutions and Variations

 The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bread fill the air.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bread fill the air.

When it comes to baking, there’s always room for experimentation. Here are a few substitutions and variations you can try for this Swedish Coffee Braids recipe:

– Nuts: Instead of walnuts, you can use almonds or pecans. You can also omit the nuts altogether if you have an allergy or simply prefer not to include them.

– Spices: Cinnamon is a classic choice, but you could also try using nutmeg, allspice, or ginger. For a more traditional Swedish flavor, add a little bit of ground cardamom to your coffee braid dough.

– Flours: The recipe calls for both white flour and bread flour, but you can experiment with different types of flour if you like. Try using whole wheat flour or spelt flour for a heartier texture and nuttier flavor.

– Shape: While the recipe calls for braiding the dough into long ropes, you could also try shaping it into a wreath or coiling it into a spiral shape. This would make an impressive centerpiece for a brunch or holiday gathering!

– Glaze: The recipe suggests brushing melted butter on the warm bread and sprinkling with cinnamon sugar, but you could also experiment with other glazes such as honey or maple syrup. You could even add some citrus zest or chopped fresh herbs to your glaze for an extra pop of flavor.

Remember that baking is both an art and a science, so don’t be afraid to get creative and try new things! Just be sure to take good notes so you can replicate or improve upon your creations in the future.

Serving and Pairing

 Warm and crisp on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside.
Warm and crisp on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside.

Once you’ve baked a beautiful Swedish Coffee Braid, it’s time to serve and pair it with your favorite beverage or choice of spread.

Serving: First, let your coffee braid cool for a bit so that you can enjoy its fresh aroma without burning your tongue. After a few minutes, slice it up into thin pieces and arrange them beautifully on a platter. You can also maintain the beautiful braided shape of this bread to impress your guests by draping it over a cake stand. Dust some powdered sugar over the top and garnish it with whole walnuts for an elegant touch.

Pairing: There are endless options for pairings when it comes to Swedish Coffee Braids. As the name suggests, this bread is made specifically to go with coffee. Brew yourself a pot of strong, black coffee and sip it as you nibble on the sweet and savory slices of bread. If you’d like a creamier texture and flavor, consider pouring yourself a cappuccino that can complement the cardamom flavor of this bread nicely.

If you prefer tea, opt for hot chamomile tea or earl grey that matches well with the cinnamon and sugar notes in the recipe. A glass of fresh juice or milk can add refreshment to your palate as well.

To elevate your Swedish Coffee Braid experience, use flavorful spreads such as salted butter, honey butter or cream cheese frosting that will boost the rich taste of this homemade sweet bread. You can also make sandwiches by adding ham, turkey slices or smoked salmon and serving them as appetizers or light meals. The options are limitless, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Treat yourself to a slice of homemade goodness.
Treat yourself to a slice of homemade goodness.

One of the great things about Swedish Coffee Braids is that they are perfect for making ahead of time. The dough can be prepared a day before and stored in the fridge so that you can bake them fresh in the morning. You can make the braided loaves ahead of time and freeze them, which means you can enjoy fresh bread anytime.

To store freshly baked Swedish Coffee Braids, let them cool completely before wrapping in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent drying out. You can keep them at room temperature for a day or two, but any longer than that and you’ll want to store them in the fridge or freezer.

To reheat your Swedish Coffee Braids, place them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven at 350°F for 5-10 minutes or until heated through. Alternatively, you can microwave slices of your Coffee Braid for 15-20 seconds, depending on your microwave’s wattage.

Another idea is to slice up excess braid coffee bread and use it as the base of a delicious French toast breakfast treat. Drizzle with syrup and top with fresh whipped cream or strawberries for an extra special twist.

You will never want to waste any bit of this homemade Swedish sweet yeasted bread. Keep your braid coffee safe by storing it well and reheating properly, sharing its delicious taste with friends, family over breakfast or dinner parties.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Add a dollop of jam and indulge in a slice of heaven.
Add a dollop of jam and indulge in a slice of heaven.

Making a perfect Swedish coffee braid is all about combining the right ingredients and technique. Here are several tips to help you achieve the best results possible:

1. Use bread flour

Swedish coffee braid needs the gluten content of bread flour to rise well and develop its unique texture. All-purpose flour will not produce as good of a result as bread flour, so make sure you have it on hand.

2. Check the dough consistency

When making bread, measuring the ingredients properly is important for achieving the right dough consistency. The dough should be slightly sticky but not so wet that it can’t hold its shape.

3. Kneading is key

Kneading creates the gluten network that gives your Swedish coffee braid its structure, so make sure you knead the dough well until it’s elastic and smooth.

4. Add spices and flavors to taste

Swedish coffee braid is flavored with cardamom, but you can also add other spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for additional flavor. Walnuts are another great ingredient that adds texture and taste to this sweet bread.

5. Don’t overbake

Bread should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 190°F (88°C). Any higher than that and your bread will become dry and tough.

6. Add a wash before baking

Brushing an egg wash over the top of your Swedish coffee braid before baking gives it a shiny glaze and makes it look more appealing.

7. Let it cool down

It may be tempting to cut into your freshly-baked Swedish coffee braid as soon as it comes out of the oven, but resist the urge! Allow your bread to cool down completely before slicing into it will help lock in the flavors and moisture.

8. Make ahead of time

Swedish coffee braid can easily be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge or freezer for when you need it later. For the best results, slice it and wrap individual portions in plastic or paper bags, so you can grab a piece whenever you need it.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this Swedish Coffee Braids bread recipe is the perfect sweet yeasted bread to impress your friends and family. With its flavorful and aromatic blend of cardamom, cinnamon and sugar, this bread will satisfy your cravings for a delicious treat.

The recipe is easy to follow, with precise measurements and instructions that guarantee perfect results every time. Whether you prefer to make it by hand or use a bread machine, you’ll find success in this recipe.

One of the best things about this recipe is its versatility. It can be made with a variety of substitutions and variations, making it perfect for any taste or preference. This braided loaf can also be served with a variety of other dishes, such as coffee or tea.

Not only is this sweet bread delicious, but it’s also easy to store and reheat, making it a great choice for meal prep and on-the-go breakfasts.

So why not try this recipe today? I promise you won’t be disappointed. In fact, you might even discover a new favorite for your coffee breaks!

Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread)

Swedish Coffee Braids (Bread) Recipe

This is an old Swedish recipe my husband's great grandma had. It is absolutely wonderful and they go very fast.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 30 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Course Breakfast/Dessert
Cuisine Swedish
Servings 2 coffee braids
Calories 1571.4 kcal


  • 1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 cup scalded milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup softened Crisco
  • 1 egg, at room temperature and beaten
  • 4 -5 cups white flour or 4 -5 cups bread flour
  • chopped walnuts
  • 1 egg, beaten (for brushing over each roll before baking)


  • melted butter
  • sugar
  • cinnamon
  • walnuts


  • Soften yeast with 1/4 cup warm water and 1/2 tsp sugar and set aside.
  • In mixing bowl combine scalded milk, sugar, salt and Crisco, cool to lukewarm, and add yeast and 1 of the eggs.
  • Gradually add flour to form a soft dough.
  • Knead in remaining flour until smooth and satiny, about 5-8 minutes.
  • Cover and let rise until double.
  • Divide dough in two and on a floured surface with a rolling pin roll out each dough to about 12x9 size.
  • Brush with melted butter, and sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar and chopped walnuts.
  • Starting with 12-inch side, roll up jelly roll style seal seams and ends and place each roll seam side down on cookie sheet (greased).
  • Take scissors (or knife) and snip part way through each bread roll one inch apart in a tractor tread style.
  • Cover and let rise again.
  • Brush both bread rolls with another beaten egg and sprinkle nuts over both.
  • Bake at 350°F for about 25 minutes.
  • Allow to cool slightly and if desired ice with favorite icing recipe.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 1326gCalories: 1571.4kcalCarbohydrates: 249.2gProtein: 37.5gFat: 46.2gSaturated Fat: 15.1gCholesterol: 228.6mgSodium: 1299.9mgFiber: 7.5gSugar: 52.1g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Breads, Breakfast, Christmas, European, Healthy, Kid-Friendly, Oven, Scandinavian, Swedish
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