Spice Up Your Morning with White Spiced Coffee

Welcome, coffee lovers! Today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a recipe that will undoubtedly revolutionize your coffee-drinking experience: white spiced coffee. This exquisite beverage is nothing but an explosion of flavors in every sip, featuring aromas of cinnamon, cardamom, and a touch of honey.

Coffee has been a loyal companion in our daily routines for centuries. It provides us with a jolt of energy and stimulates our senses, making it an indispensable part of our lives. However, sometimes we crave something more than just plain coffee – we want something that invigorates all our senses, something that takes us on an exotic journey without leaving the comfort of our home. And that’s where white spiced coffee comes in.

The fusion between white chocolate and pumpkin spice gives this recipe an exceptional taste that makes it the perfect holiday treat. Whether you’re having it on your own or sharing it with loved ones around the fireplace – this spiced coffee recipe is sure to warm both your heart and soul.

But don’t get intimidated by the long list of ingredients – trust me, it’s worth it. When made correctly, this indulgent recipe will froth beautifully and bring out flavors you never thought possible to combine in one cup. I assure you – this will be a crowd-pleaser no matter what.

So go ahead, grab your coffee beans and let’s dive into How To make the perfect white spiced coffee recipe!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

White Spiced Coffee
White Spiced Coffee

Picture this: white chocolate shavings, cinnamon sticks, and green cardamom pods delicately placed on top of a steamy cup of coffee, with the aroma of spiced goodness floating up to your nose. Now imagine taking a sip and feeling the warmth and flavor dance around your taste buds, leaving you utterly satisfied. This is what you can expect from our White Spiced Coffee Recipe.

What sets this spiced coffee recipe apart is its unique blend of ingredients. We start with whole organic coffee beans that are lightly cracked and mixed with green and white cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, and honey. This mixture is then simmered to perfection, producing a rich and inviting aroma that lets you know something special is brewing.

But that’s not all – we take it one step further by adding white chocolate shavings into the mix, which creates an extra layer of flavor that complements the spiced coffee perfectly. And if you’re a fan of pumpkin spice latte or holiday spice blends, this recipe will take your taste buds on an unforgettable journey.

Whether you’re looking for a new way to enjoy your morning coffee or impress your guests during a festive gathering, our White Spiced Coffee Recipe is sure to delight. So why settle for an ordinary cup of joe when you can add a touch of luxury and creativity to your coffee routine? Trust us, once you’ve tried this recipe, you’ll never go back to plain old coffee again.

Ingredient List

 Creamy, spicy and oh-so delicious!
Creamy, spicy and oh-so delicious!

White Spiced Coffee Ingredient List

Before starting with the recipe how-to let’s start by listing down all the ingredients you will need to make this white spiced coffee. Here are the things you need:

Coffee Ingredients:

  • 3 cups of whole organic coffee beans (1 1/2 cups of lightly cracked).
  • 4 whole green cardamom pods.
  • 4 cinnamon sticks (3 inches).
  • 1/4 cup of honey.

Milk Ingredients:

  • 1 cup whole milk.
  • 1/2 cup almond milk.


  • 2 tablespoons of white chocolate.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin spice.

These ingredients are essential to make the perfect cup of spiced white coffee. You can find them at any grocery store. Make sure to get high-quality, fresh ingredients for the best taste possible.

The Recipe How-To

 Start your day on a cozy note with this white spiced coffee.
Start your day on a cozy note with this white spiced coffee.

Brewing the Coffee

To start off this recipe, I recommend brewing a strong coffee for a bold flavor. Begin by adding 1/2 cup of coffee beans into a coffee grinder and grind until they’re finely grounded. In a saucepan, heat 4 cups of whole organic milk over medium-high heat for about 7 minutes until it begins to simmer. Make sure to stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Adding Spices and Sweetness

Before we add the grounded coffee, toss in 4 whole green cardamom pods and lightly crack them to release their flavors. Add in 2 cinnamon sticks and let heat for about 1 minute before adding in the grounded coffee. To sweeten things up, add in 1/4 cup of honey and stir until it’s dissolved thoroughly.

Making the White Spiced Coffee Blend

Let the mixture simmer for about 5-6 minutes over medium-high heat while stirring occasionally. Turn down the heat to medium and add in 1/2 cup of white chocolate chips and stir until melted. Next, sprinkle in a tablespoon of pumpkin spice along with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg into the saucepan. Then, add in 2 shots of espresso or brewing coffee equivalent.

Serving Suggestions

Once brewed, pour your white spiced coffee blend into your favorite mug. For an extra touch, top it off with some whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg if you like! This recipe can make around 6-7 servings depending on your mug size.

Enjoy your deliciously made white spiced coffee with friends or family on special occasions or treat yourself on Christmas morning.

Substitutions and Variations

 The perfect balance of sweetness and warmth.
The perfect balance of sweetness and warmth.

I know that not everyone has access to all the ingredients, or maybe you’re simply looking to add a twist to this recipe. Fear not! Here are some substitutions and variations for you to try.

If you don’t have green cardamom pods, you can substitute with ground cardamom. Use about 1/4 teaspoon per pod required in the recipe. Also, if you prefer a stronger cinnamon flavor, feel free to add more cinnamon sticks.

For those who prefer a vegan version of the white spiced coffee recipe, you can use almond milk or oat milk. They both have a similar creamy texture that works well with spiced coffee blend. Moreover, If you want to avoid rum, simply omit it or substitute it with brandy.

If you have a sweet tooth and find the recipe not sweet enough for your taste buds, increase the quantity of honey by one or two tablespoons. You can also add other flavors like vanilla extract or caramel sauce.

For those who want to try something different during holidays, replace green cardamom pods with pumpkin spice seasoning and white chocolate with pumpkin pie syrup. This substitution will give you the perfect holiday spice flat white.

Finally, experiment and create your own version of spiced coffee by adding different flavors such as nutmeg, ginger or even peppermint extract. I strongly recommend trying out espresso shots instead of regular coffee beans for an intense rush of caffeine – the perfect Christmas coffee alternative!

Whatever variations or substitutions you choose, remember that the key is balance – start with small quantities and then adjust based on your preference. Have fun spicing up your coffee game!

Serving and Pairing

 Bold flavors that will wake up your taste buds.
Bold flavors that will wake up your taste buds.

Now that you’ve brewed the perfect cup of White Spiced Coffee, it’s time to think about how to serve and pair it best. This delicious coffee is a great morning treat but also makes a wonderful after-dinner indulgence.

For serving, I recommend pouring your freshly brewed spiced coffee into a large mug. If you like your coffee with a bit of sweetness, add a dollop of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar on top. You can also add a bit of whipped cream or marshmallows for an extra cozy feel.

As for pairing, this spiced coffee goes very well with pastries and baked goods, such as croissants, muffins, or scones. It is also the ideal beverage to pair with a slice of pumpkin pie or any fall-inspired desserts.

Another great pairing option is to add some almond milk to your white spiced coffee, this will create a nutty and creamy sensation that will perfectly complement its bold flavor. For those who enjoy liquor, dark rum could also be a fantastic addition to this recipe.

With its warming spices and rich taste, White Spiced Coffee is an excellent beverage for getting together with friends around festive holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. It can be made in large quantities for holiday gatherings or enjoyed alone in front of a roaring fire on a chilly evening.

Whatever way you serve it or pair it, the comforting aroma and flavors of White Spiced Coffee are sure to please your taste buds and warm you up inside.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 This coffee has a twist you won't be able to resist.
This coffee has a twist you won’t be able to resist.

Are you running low on time in the morning, but still want to enjoy your delicious White Spiced Coffee? Don’t worry; you can make this spiced coffee ahead of time and store it for later use.

To make ahead, simply prepare the coffee ingredients as per the recipe directions. After simmering the mixture on medium-high heat for 7 minutes, let it cool down to room temperature. Once cooled, transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate it for up to 3 days.

When you’re ready to enjoy your White Spiced Coffee, reheat the mixture over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Once heated through, lower the temperature and let it simmer for two more minutes.

Storing your White Spiced Coffee in the refrigerator is perfect when you need a dose of caffeine and don’t have time to brew fresh coffee in the morning. You won’t have to compromise on taste since reheating gives you the same spiced flavor as before.

Lastly, if you have leftover coffee, don’t throw it away! Instead, freeze it and use ice cubes for iced coffee drinks later. It’s the perfect solution for warm summer days when an iced drink is a must-have.

With these tips and tricks, you can always have your daily dose of White Spiced Coffee ready whenever you need it.

Tips for Perfect Results

 White spiced coffee: the ultimate winter brew.
White spiced coffee: the ultimate winter brew.

To make the perfect cup of white spiced coffee, it takes more than just following the recipe directions. Here are some tips to ensure that your spiced coffee turns out just right.

Firstly, when choosing your coffee beans, go for whole organic coffee beans as they provide a richer and fresher taste. Additionally, lightly cracking your beans before brewing will enhance the flavor of your spiced coffee.

Secondly, green and white cardamom pods are the best options to use in this recipe. They provide a subtle yet distinct flavor that complements the coffee beans perfectly. You can also crush them lightly before adding them to the saucepan with the milk and coffee beans for a richer taste.

Thirdly, when making your white spiced coffee, be sure to lower the temperature after bringing the mixture to a boil. This will ensure that the flavors fully infuse and develop without burning or overcooking your ingredients.

Lastly, one key tip is to not skimp on the toppings! A final drizzle of honey or sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg can take your white spiced coffee to the next level. Experiment with different holiday spices or even try adding some White Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe toppings for a unique twist.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a delicious and flavorful cup of white spiced coffee that will impress any coffee lover. So don’t be afraid to get creative with your ingredients and toppings and make your own signature white spiced coffee recipe.


As a barista, I’ve experienced various queries about making coffee. For this recipe, I have compiled some commonly asked questions and answered them clearly to avoid any confusion while making the White Spiced Coffee. Let’s take a look at some of these frequently asked questions.

How do you make a white coffee?

To achieve a uniform hue, it is imperative to merge the espresso and milk correctly. Once your cup is roughly two-thirds full, lower the tip of your milk jug towards the coffee’s surface and pick up the pace of your pour, ensuring that it lands in the center of the coffee. If done correctly, the resulting foam should rest nonchalantly atop the coffee like a buoyant white cloud.

How to make a simple white coffee?

To whip up a quick cup of coffee, grab a mug and spoon in one tablespoon of coffee powder. Follow it up by pouring three tablespoons of hot water into the mug and stir vigorously until the coffee granules dissolve into the water, creating a smooth blend.

What makes white coffee white coffee?

When making White Coffee, the roasting process is done at a lower temperature and only halfway through. By doing so, the beans have a whitish color and retain more caffeine. As a consequence, White Coffee boasts a unique flavor profile that is sweeter and nuttier than your typical coffee.

How to make the best white coffee at home?

Firstly, I recommend pouring a freshly made shot of espresso into a small coffee cup. Next, give the jug of milk a light tap on a hard surface to eliminate any air bubbles before gently swirling it a few times. Pour the milk into the coffee cup slowly and cautiously, allowing the creamy froth to delicately float to the surface. It’s crucial to savor this beverage straight away to obtain the full flavor of the freshly brewed espresso.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the White Spiced Coffee Recipe is a perfect treat for any coffee lover who enjoys a unique twist to their regular cup of Joe. With the perfect blend of spices, sweetness, and aroma, this recipe is sure to awaken your taste buds and invigorate your senses.

Whether you are looking for a cozy beverage to warm you up on a chilly evening or trying to impress guests with your barista skills, the White Spiced Coffee Recipe promises to deliver fantastic results. And with the ease of substitutions and variations, there is always room for experimentation and creativity to make this recipe suit individual tastes and preferences.

So why not try making this White Spiced Coffee Recipe today? Grab your coffee beans, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, honey, and dark rum (if you’re feeling adventurous) and get creative in the kitchen! I guarantee that this coffee recipe will impress even the most discerning palates while providing peak coziness on cold nights.

White Spiced Coffee

White Spiced Coffee Recipe

Kind of a homemade latte thing, with rum 🙂 From Country Living magazine.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Fusion
Calories 232.3 kcal


  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup whole coffee beans, lightly cracked
  • 1 1/2 cinnamon sticks, about 4-inch total length
  • 4 whole green cardamom pods
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons dark rum, such as Mount Gay (optional)


  • Place the milk and crushed coffee beans in a saucepan. Heat the mixture to a simmer over medium-high heat, about 7 minutes. Immediately remove from the heat and let the beans steep in the milk for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the coffee mixture and transfer to the jar of a blender. Discard the crushed coffee beans. Add the cinnamon sticks, cardamom, and honey to the steeped milk and blend on high speed until the spices are coarsely ground, about 30 seconds.
  • Strain the liquid back into the saucepan and discard the ground spices. Rewarm the spiced coffee over medium-high heat until the liquid is hot and steaming. Add rum, if desired. Pour into warmed coffee mugs, and serve hot.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 282gCalories: 232.3kcalCarbohydrates: 34.3gProtein: 7.9gFat: 7.9gSaturated Fat: 4.5gCholesterol: 24.4mgSodium: 98.7mgFiber: 0.1gSugar: 36g
Keyword < 30 Mins, Beverages, Easy
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