Delicious Banana Coffee Cake Recipe – Perfect for Brunch!

Dear coffee and cake enthusiasts, allow me to introduce to you a recipe for the most delicious coffee cake you’ll ever taste – Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping. This heavenly recipe combines the classic flavors of banana bread with the rich taste of coffee, creating a unique and delightful flavor that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

But what exactly is a coffee cake, you may ask? Well, it’s not as simple as just adding a shot of espresso to a regular cake recipe. A true coffee cake is a delicate balance of texture and flavor, designed to be paired perfectly with a fresh cup of joe. It’s denser than your average cake, allowing it to hold its shape when sliced and served. And instead of an overly sweet frosting, it contains a streusel topping made from brown sugar, cinnamon, butter, and nuts that adds a delightful crunch to every bite.

This particular recipe takes things up another notch by incorporating the natural sweetness of ripe bananas into the mix. The addition of mashed bananas creates an incredibly moist cake that pairs oh-so-well with the bold taste of coffee. Plus, it’s an excellent way to use up those extra bananas sitting on your kitchen counter before they go bad.

So if you’re looking for a unique dessert that will impress your guests or just wanting to indulge in something deliciously different for breakfast, give this banana coffee cake with streusel topping recipe a try. I guarantee it’ll become a staple in your baking repertoire in no time!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Banana Coffee Cake With Streusel Topping
Banana Coffee Cake With Streusel Topping

Are you looking for the perfect balance between sweet and savory flavors? Do you enjoy the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee combined with the sweetness of ripe bananas? If so, then this banana coffee cake recipe is exactly what you need to satisfy all of your cravings!

One of the reasons why you will love this recipe is that it can be enjoyed any time of day. Whether you need a quick breakfast on-the-go or a delicious dessert after dinner, this banana coffee cake is perfect for all occasions. It’s also a great accompaniment to a hot cup of coffee or tea, making it even more irresistible.

Another reason to love this recipe is its moist and tender texture. The combination of buttermilk, hot water, and instant coffee granules brings out the unique taste of this cake. When combined with the natural sweetness of bananas and the crunchy texture of walnuts, it creates a heavenly taste sensation that is truly unforgettable.

Lastly, one of the best things about this recipe is its versatility. You can easily switch up ingredients or toppings to make it your own. Try adding dark chocolate chips or cream cheese frosting to elevate the flavors even more. Or swap out walnuts for pecans or almonds for added crunch. With so many options, this cake is sure to become a household favorite in no time.

In conclusion, this banana coffee cake recipe deserves a place in every baker’s repertoire. Its combination of bold flavors and textures, easy adaptability, and versatility make it a versatile and indulgent treat that everyone will love. Once you try it, you’ll never look at coffee cakes in the same way again!

Ingredient List

 A scrumptious slice of banana coffee cake with a golden streusel topping, perfect for breakfast or as a snack!
A scrumptious slice of banana coffee cake with a golden streusel topping, perfect for breakfast or as a snack!

Ingredients for Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping Recipe:

  • 1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
  • 2 cups mashed ripe bananas (about 4 medium bananas)
  • 1/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons brown sugar, packed
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 and 1/4 cups walnuts, chopped

For the Streusel Topping:

  • 1 and 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 and 1/4 cups dark brown sugar
  • 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • optional: 3 oz. dark chocolate, diced into small pieces

This ingredient list includes everything you’ll need to create a delicious banana coffee cake with a crunchy streusel topping. Be sure to use ripe bananas for the best results. The instant coffee granules provide an extra depth of flavor that complements the sweetness of the banana well. Both brown and white sugar are used in this cake to achieve a delicate balance of flavors. The crumbly streusel topping provides a delightful crunch, and if you’re a chocolate lover or looking to add an extra layer of richness, don’t skip the optional addition of dark chocolate pieces.

The Recipe How-To

 Need an excuse for a coffee break? Indulge in a slice of this delicious banana coffee cake and savor every bite!
Need an excuse for a coffee break? Indulge in a slice of this delicious banana coffee cake and savor every bite!

Now, let’s dive into the main event – making this delicious Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping. Follow these step-by-step instructions and you’ll be enjoying a slice of warm, crumbly cake in no time.

Preheat the Oven

Before you start mixing ingredients, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This ensures that your Banana Coffee Cake gets the perfect bake and results in a uniform texture.

Prepare the Crumb Topping

Next, get started on the crumb topping. In a medium bowl, mix together brown sugar, granulated sugar, cinnamon, salt, melted butter, and flour until everything is evenly combined. Be sure to use unsalted butter! Lastly, add chopped walnuts to the mixture and give it a final stir.

Mix the Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

Cream the Butter and Sugar

Take another large bowl and beat softened butter with granulated sugar using an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Mix in eggs one at a time followed by mashed bananas and vanilla extract. The goal is to achieve a creamy batter with no lumps of un-mixed ingredients.

Combine the Wet and Dry Ingredients

Gradually add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients while continuously mixing until fully incorporated for smooth batter.

Add Hot Water to Make Coffee

In a cup or mug of hot water, stir together 1 tsp of instant coffee granules until dissolved. Now pour this liquid mixture into your cake batter. Substituting brewed coffee is also allowed but will change flavor intensity.

Assemble Everything Together

Pour half of your cake batter into a lightly greased 9×13 inch baking pan. Sprinkle cinnamon streusel topping over the batter before adding remaining half on top. Smooth out surface evenly so that toppings are not completely covered-up by it.


Bake for 45-55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remember, each oven is unique so make sure you test the cake accordingly.

Once your Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping is fully baked, let it cool on a wire rack for at least 15 minutes before serving. Enjoy as-is or pair with a hot cup of coffee for a truly unbeatable experience!

Substitutions and Variations

 A warm and cozy combination, banana and coffee come together to create a treat that would make any coffee lover swoon.
A warm and cozy combination, banana and coffee come together to create a treat that would make any coffee lover swoon.

As a barista, I understand that sometimes you may not have all the ingredients on hand or simply prefer to mix things up. In this section, I offer some substitutions and variations for the banana coffee cake recipe to make it your own.

One of my favorite ways to change up this recipe is by using different types of nuts. Instead of walnuts, you can substitute with pecans or almonds for added texture and flavor.

If you’re looking to cut down on the sugar, you can swap out the dark brown sugar in the crumb topping with light brown sugar or even white granulated sugar. You can also add some dried fruit like cranberries or apricots to the topping for a fruity twist.

For a decadent twist, you could try adding some dark chocolate chips to the batter. They’ll melt slightly and give your cake a subtle chocolatey flavor that pairs perfectly with bananas.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you could also try swapping out some of the flour for cornmeal or almond flour to give your cake a unique texture and nutty flavor.

Lastly, if you don’t have any buttermilk on hand, don’t worry! Simply mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice into 1 cup of milk, let sit for 5-10 minutes until it curdles and use it as a replacement.

Overall, there are so many ways to customize this banana coffee cake recipe to your liking. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different ingredients!

Serving and Pairing

 Don't let those ripe bananas go to waste! Turn them into a delicious and easy-to-make coffee cake with this recipe.
Don’t let those ripe bananas go to waste! Turn them into a delicious and easy-to-make coffee cake with this recipe.

Once your banana coffee cake with streusel topping is freshly out of the oven, it’s time to enjoy all its luscious flavors! This warm and cozy cake pairs perfectly with a cup of robust coffee or hot tea for a relaxing morning breakfast.

However, this cake is also versatile enough to be served during other occasions throughout the day. It makes an excellent choice for brunches, afternoon snacks, and even desserts on some occasions. Serve it as part of a dessert table accompanied by a cup of milk or a refreshing glass of iced tea.

If you are hosting guests, this banana coffee cake will certainly impress them. Its smooth crumb and sticky streusel makes it hard to resist cutting another piece. Plus, its earthy aroma will firmly stack the odds in your favor.

Lastly, if you have any leftovers, don’t fret! You can store them safely in the fridge for up to three days. When ready to enjoy again, let it reach room temperature and dust it off with powdered sugar before serving. Alternatively, if you prefer a different twist to enjoying leftovers, cut them into small pieces and use as toppings for ice cream or yogurt or reheat it briefly in the microwave, and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

In summary, this delicious banana coffee cake pairs well with hot beverages like coffee and tea but can also be paired with milk, iced tea or consumed as a dessert. It’s perfect for hosting and even works great for leftovers days after baking!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Streusel topping adds the perfect amount of texture to this moist and flavorful banana coffee cake.
Streusel topping adds the perfect amount of texture to this moist and flavorful banana coffee cake.

Preparing desserts for a gathering can be quite a hassle, but with this recipe for Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping, you can store it ahead of time and reheat it whenever needed. It stays fresh for up to four days when stored properly in the fridge, making it an ideal dessert for busy days.

To make it ahead of time, wrap the coffee cake tightly in plastic wrap once it cools down to room temperature. Keep it in the fridge until ready to consume, and remember to reheat the slices gently at 350°F for approximately ten minutes. The coffee cake is best when consumed warm or at room temperature.

Note that while the banana coffee cake’s streusel topping remains crisp on the first day, it might lose its crunch after storage. But fret not! Reheating the coffee cake will reinstate its texture and make it enjoyable again. If you have any leftover muffins or slices from this recipe, you can freeze them for future consumption.

The process of reheating frozen or refrigerated slices is slightly different. Before reheating them, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. After defrosting, remove the plastic wrap and reheat them at 350°F for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Remember to store your Banana Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping correctly to maintain its freshness as It’s a crowd-pleasing dessert that deserves all the praise it can get!

Tips for Perfect Results

 You can never
You can never

As a barista and coffee expert, I have some tips to share with you to help you make the perfect banana coffee cake with streusel topping. Here are some of my top tips:

Firstly, when adding the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, be sure not to overmix the batter. Overmixing can lead to a dense and tough texture in your cake. As soon as all of the dry ingredients are incorporated into the wet mixture, stop mixing and fold in any remaining flour by hand. This will ensure that the cake comes out with a light crumb and airy texture.

Secondly, use ripe bananas for the best flavour. Choose bananas that have black spots on their skins and are soft to the touch. These bananas are sweeter and will add more flavour to your cake.

Thirdly, when making the streusel topping, don’t mix it too much. You want it to be crumbly, not doughy. To ensure this, use cold butter and mix just until it forms clumps.

Fourthly, you can add a touch of richness to your cake by using buttermilk instead of regular milk or cream. Buttermilk will also help tenderize the crumb of your cake.

Fifthly, it’s important to let your cake cool completely before slicing it. The heat of a freshly baked cake can make it difficult to get clean slices without tearing or crumbling.

Lastly, feel free to experiment with different variations of this recipe. Try adding dark chocolate chips or walnuts to the batter for an extra crunch, or swap out the streusel topping for a brown butter crumble. The possibilities are endless with this versatile recipe!


Now that you have all the information needed to make a delicious banana coffee cake with streusel topping, you may have some additional questions or concerns. Check out these frequently asked questions to help ensure your baking experience runs smoothly.

What’s the difference between coffee cake and streusel?

When it comes to crumb cake and coffee cake, the distinction lies in the amount of streusel topping used. Generally, crumb cake boasts a thicker layer of streusel topping compared to coffee cake. Furthermore, coffee cake can be prepared without the addition of streusel topping.

Is crumble cake the same as coffee cake?

Coffee cake and crumb cake are two distinct types of baked goods that are often confused with each other. The main difference between the two is that while coffee cake is usually topped with a layer of crumbly streusel, crumb cake is essentially made up of equal parts crumb and cake. And for today’s coffee-making session, I’ll be sharing my tips and recipe for making a delicious crumb cake coffee.

What is coffee cake topping made of?

The crumble, streusel, and crumb topping are all synonymous, as they are all made from flour, sugar, and butter, and can be used as a delicious topping for muffins, cakes, and pies.

Why did my streusel topping sink?

The cake had been engulfed by the batter, leading to it becoming overcooked due to inaccurate baking temperature and time. In order to prevent this from happening, it is crucial for the cake’s structure to solidify promptly to support the crumb topping.

Bottom Line

To sum it up, the banana coffee cake with streusel topping recipe is a true delight for all coffee and cake lovers out there. Not only is it packed with flavor and sweet aromas, but it’s also incredibly versatile and easy to make. So why not try it out today? Whether you’re having a lazy Sunday brunch or want to impress your friends at a dinner party, this cake will undoubtedly make your day.

In addition, the recipe provides variation and substitution suggestions to cater to different preferences and dietary requirements. You can personalize the recipe to suit your taste buds, whether by adjusting the amount of sugar, changing the nuts or chocolate chips, or adding cream cheese frosting.

Finally, the tips and recommendations provided in this article have been designed to help you perfect the cake-making process without any difficulty. From storing and reheating methods to preparing your ingredients in advance, I have got you covered.

In conclusion, don’t hesitate to give this recipe a try for yourself. It offers the perfect blend of moisture from the bananas, crunchiness from the walnuts, sweetness from the cinnamon streusel topping that comes together for an absolutely heavenly flavor. Trust me; you won’t regret making this banana coffee cake with streusel topping!

Banana Coffee Cake With Streusel Topping

Banana Coffee Cake With Streusel Topping Recipe

Rich decadent cake, i serve this during Christmas morning with a hot pot of freshly brewed coffee.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 45 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 12 slices
Calories 332.7 kcal


crumb topping (STREUSEL)

  • 1 1/4 cups dark chocolate, chopped
  • 1/3 cup dark brown sugar, packed
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 1/3 cups bananas, ripe and mashed
  • 2 tablespoons instant coffee granules, mixed with
  • 1 tablespoon hot water
  • 3 tablespoons buttermilk


  • Pre-heat oven to 350.
  • Grease and flour 9 1/2 x 4 inch tube pan.
  • Stir chopped chocolate, brown sugar, walnuts and cinnamon in small bowl.
  • Stir till blended, set aside.
  • Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl.
  • Set aside.
  • Cream butter in a large bowl using an electric mixer till light and creamy.
  • Add sugar gradually.
  • When mixture is fluffy, add egg 1 at a time.
  • Beat in mashed bananas, coffee and buttermilk.
  • Add in dry ingredients and blend well.
  • Pour half of batter in prepared tube pan.
  • Sprinkle half of the streusel topping.
  • Repeat with remaining batter ending with streusel topping.
  • Bake banana coffeecake about 45 minutes.
  • Till tester comes out clean when dipped in the center.
  • Cool in pan on wire rack.
  • Slice and Serve warm.
  • Deeeelicious!

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 95gCalories: 332.7kcalCarbohydrates: 41gProtein: 5.7gFat: 19.1gSaturated Fat: 9.9gCholesterol: 55.7mgSodium: 178.6mgFiber: 3.8gSugar: 21.7g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Breakfast, Brunch, Dessert, Inexpensive, Sweet
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