Indulge in the Sweet Aroma of Vanilla Sin Latte

Welcome to my world of coffee! As a barista, it is my pleasure to introduce you to one of my personal favorites: the Vanilla Sin Latte. This latte recipe incorporates the perfect balance of vanilla syrup, cinnamon and steamed milk to make you feel like you’re indulging in a sinful treat.

I have always been a fan of Vanilla Lattes, but there’s something special about the Vanilla Sin Latte that keeps me coming back for more. Maybe it’s the way the vanilla syrup mixes perfectly with cinnamon and steamed milk, or maybe it’s simply the name that has my attention. Regardless, this latte brings satisfaction and comfort to me every time I indulge in it.

Whether you’re a seasoned coffee drinker or new to coffee culture, this recipe will be sure to please. The combination of creamy, sweet vanilla and spicy cinnamon make the perfect match for any coffee lover. So why not give yourself a treat? Join me on this journey and let’s get started making the perfect Vanilla Sin Latte at home!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Vanilla Sin Latte
Vanilla Sin Latte

Are you in the mood for a delicious, creamy and indulgent coffee treat? Look no further than this Vanilla Sin Latte recipe! Made with vanilla syrup, steamed milk, and a touch of cinnamon, this Vanilla Sin Latte is the epitome of comfort in a cup.

Whether you’re a fan of vanilla lattes or simply crave something sweet and cozy, this recipe is perfect for you. Not only does it taste amazing, but it’s also an easy and affordable way to make your favorite café-style drink at home.

One of the things that makes this Vanilla Sin Latte recipe stand out is the use of grass-fed butter to create a rich and velvety texture.. This ingredient adds depth and a hint of nuttiness to the latte that you won’t find in other recipes. Combine that with the comforting flavor of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon and you have yourself a true comfort drink.

Another advantage of this recipe is its versatility. Not only can you enjoy it hot, but it’s also refreshing as an iced vanilla latte during those hot summer days.

Whether you’re looking for an indulgent weekend treat or an energizing pick-me-up on a weekday morning, this Vanilla Sin Latte recipe will quickly become your go-to coffee fix. Give it a try, savor every sip, and feel free to share it with your loved ones – because the perfect cup of coffee is meant to be enjoyed.

Ingredient List

 Take a sip of heaven with our Vanilla Sin Latte
Take a sip of heaven with our Vanilla Sin Latte

Below are the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious Vanilla Sin Latte recipe:

  • 2 shots of espresso or 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee
  • 1 tablespoon roasted grass-fed butter (or coconut oil)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 cups steamed milk (oat milk, almond milk, or grass-fed cow’s milk work well)
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla syrup or honey (use Vanilla Bean syrup for a stronger vanilla flavor)
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon for topping

Note: If you don’t have an espresso machine at home, you can use cold brew or French press coffee instead. Additionally, you can substitute regular cow’s milk with alternative milk options such as oat milk, almond milk, or any other non-dairy milk. Lastly, feel free to adjust the ingredient portions accordingly to your taste preference.

The Recipe How-To

 Indulge in the sinful sweetness of this creamy latte
Indulge in the sinful sweetness of this creamy latte

Here is the fun part, making your very own delicious vanilla sin latte recipe!

Step 1: Make the Vanilla Syrup

  • In a saucepan, combine 1 cup of water and 1 cup of granulated sugar.
  • Bring it to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar.
  • Once you’ve combined these, reduce the heat to medium-low, add in 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and continue to stir until combined.
  • Allow the syrup to simmer for about 5 minutes or until it thickens slightly.

Step 2: Brew Espresso Shots

You will need 2 shots of espresso for this recipe. Make sure not to burn the espresso shot as it may cause an unpleasant taste.

Step 3: Steam the Milk

Steam 3/4 cup milk until it reaches around 150°F or has small bubbles forming on the surface. This will be used for your latte base.

Step 4: Add Vanilla Syrup

In your chosen mug or glass, combine 2 tablespoons of vanilla syrup with your brewed espresso shots.

Step 5: Add Steamed Milk

Now slowly pour your steamed milk into the glass with your espresso shots and vanilla syrup. Be sure to hold back any foam on top before pouring so that only the milk goes in.

Step 6: Finish Off Your Drink with Foam

Once you’ve combined everything, top off your drink with a thin layer of foam made from steaming an additional tablespoon or two of milk.

There you have it, your homemade vanilla sin latte. Enjoy savoring its rich and perfectly balanced flavors today!

Substitutions and Variations

 A coffee lover's guilty pleasure – Vanilla Sin Latte
A coffee lover’s guilty pleasure – Vanilla Sin Latte

Just because you don’t have all the ingredients listed in the recipe, it doesn’t mean you can’t make a delicious Vanilla Sin Latte. There are many substitutions and variations that will still give you a fantastic cup of coffee. Here are some suggestions to switch things up and experiment with your latte:

– Ingredient Substitutions: If you don’t have vanilla syrup on hand, use vanilla extract instead. One teaspoon of vanilla extract can substitute for every tablespoon of vanilla syrup. Alternatively, you can replace syrup with a few drops of honey or maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.

– Milk Alternatives: Don’t want to use dairy milk? No problem. You can swap regular milk for almond milk or oat milk, which adds a nutty flavor to your latte. For a rich, thick consistency, try steamed grass-fed butter or coconut milk.

– Spices and Flavors: Add some spice to your Vanilla Sin Latte by mixing cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin spice into the batter. A splash of caramel sauce or chocolate syrup will make your latte taste like a warm dessert.

– Iced and Frozen Options: For those hot summer days, swap hot steamed milk for cold milk and turn your Vanilla Sin Latte into an iced beverage. You can also blend ice with your ingredients for a frothy frozen treat.

– Different Types of Lattes: The Vanilla Sin Latte isn’t the only type of latte you can make at home. Try making an Iced Vanilla Chai Latte or French Vanilla Latte to mix things up. Experimentation is key when it comes to coffee, so don’t hesitate to try new recipes and combinations.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to making substitutions and variations for your coffee recipes. Don’t hesitate to experiment!

Serving and Pairing

 Your taste buds will thank you for this divine vanilla treat
Your taste buds will thank you for this divine vanilla treat

The Vanilla Sin Latte is a delightful treat that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with various snacks and treats. This creamy and rich beverage with its warm and inviting flavors pairs perfectly with sweets like doughnuts, muffins, and cakes.

For a breakfast pairing, I recommend serving this latte with some freshly baked cinnamon rolls or scones to get the day off to a great start. It also complements savory foods like buttery croissants or quiches just as well.

For a midday snack pairing, I recommend pairing this latte with some cookies or macarons for a sweet indulgence. It is perfect for those afternoon pick-me-ups when you need something to keep you going.

If you’re looking for an indulgent after-dinner dessert pairing, try the Vanilla Sin Latte with some vanilla ice cream. The combination of warm and cold creates a sensory experience that is nothing short of delicious.

Don’t forget to pair this latte with some French-inspired snacks like madeleines or crepes for an authentic culinary experience. And if you prefer iced coffee drinks, try making an iced Vanilla Sin Latte and pair it with a fruit tart or cheesecake.

Overall, the possibilities for pairing the Vanilla Sin Latte are endless. Its creamy texture and inviting flavors can complement any sweet or savory treat, making it a versatile beverage option that never disappoints.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Experience the ultimate coffee blend with our Vanilla Sin Latte
Experience the ultimate coffee blend with our Vanilla Sin Latte

So, you may be wondering if you can make this delicious Vanilla Sin Latte ahead of time, store it properly and reheat it later without compromising its taste. Well, the answer is yes!

If you want to make the Vanilla Sin Latte ahead of time, you can do so by preparing the vanilla syrup in advance and storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Simply combine 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Let it cool down completely before transferring it to a jar or bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

When you’re ready to make your latte, brew a double shot of espresso or one cup of strong coffee and mix it with 2 tablespoons of the prepared vanilla syrup. Froth and steam 3 cups of milk (or your favorite non-dairy milk) with a handheld frother, or use an espresso machine if available. Pour the steamed milk over the coffee/espresso mixture and stir gently. Add extra cinnamon on top if desired.

But what if you have leftover latte? Don’t worry; storing it is easy too! Pour any remaining latte into an airtight container, seal it tightly, and place it in the fridge for up to three days. When reheating, transfer the latte into a microwave-safe container or stove-top pot and heat gently until hot, but not boiling. Be sure to stir occasionally to distribute heat evenly.

And there you have it! With these tips on making ahead, storing and reheating your Vanilla Sin Latte recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy your delicious homemade latte anytime, anywhere!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Satisfy your sweet tooth and caffeine cravings all in one cup
Satisfy your sweet tooth and caffeine cravings all in one cup

Making the perfect Vanilla Sin Latte requires more than just following a recipe. As a barista, I have some tips that will help you to achieve the most delicious and satisfying drink.

First of all, make sure to use quality ingredients. Use fresh coffee beans, high-quality milk, and vanilla syrup made with real vanilla extract. These small details can make a big difference in the final result.

When making the latte, start by heating the milk to the right temperature. The ideal temperature for steamed milk to make a latte is between 150 and 155 degrees Fahrenheit. If the milk is too hot, it can scorch or taste burnt.

Next, when frothing the milk, be sure to create a smooth, velvety texture by incorporating air into the milk properly. This can be done by positioning the steam wand at an angle and creating a vortex in the milk. For extra foam, you can tilt your pitcher or give it a gentle tap on your countertop to release any bubbles.

In addition, adding just a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg on top of the steamed milk can complement the flavors of Vanilla Sin Latte perfectly. Sprinkle some cinnamon more sparingly or mix it with sugar for a sweeter touch.

If you like your coffee drinks with a slight twist of sweetness and creaminess as well as other flavors, try substituting whole milk with almond or oat milk as they also add a creamy texture and sweetness to your coffee latte.

Finally, if you want to take your Vanilla Sin Latte up a notch, try adding grass-fed butter and vanilla extract to it for an added richness and depth of flavor. This adds several nutritional benefits as well as unique rich flavor that baristas call “bulletproof latte”. To enhance your enjoyment even more, consider enjoying your Vanilla Sin Latte alongside a freshly baked cinnamon roll.

By following these tips and adding your own preference and twist, you’ll be able to make a perfect Vanilla Sin Latte that will keep you asking for more. Remember to take your time with each step and enjoy the process as well!


Now that you have learned how to make the delicious Vanilla Sin Latte, I am sure you have some questions or concerns about this amazing drink. In this section, I will answer some of the frequently asked questions about this recipe to ensure that you get the perfect cup every time you make it. So, let’s dive into the FAQ section and clarify any doubts you have in mind!

What is a vanilla latte made of?

The Vanilla Latte, also referred to as Caffe Latte, is a popular coffee drink consisting of one-third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk topped with a fine foam. To add a delightful twist to the classic Latte, a delicious dose of vanilla syrup is added.

How many shots of vanilla in a latte?

To make a delicious Vanilla Latte, you will need the following ingredients: two shots of hot espresso, two tablespoons of vanilla syrup (which can be made using the recipe provided below), and 2/3 cup of whole milk.

Does vanilla extract taste good in lattes?

Adding vanilla extract to your coffee can be a fantastic way to sweeten it up without the harmful effects of added sugar. This method can be utilized in various coffee drinks, such as drip coffee, americano, latte, and cold brew. Adding it not only enhances the sweetness but also contributes a delightful vanilla flavor. That’s two advantages in one!

What is velvet vanilla latte?

Looking for a sweet and smooth coffee experience? Try out the new take on a classic espresso drink. Our Starbucks® Blonde Espresso is perfectly combined with steamed milk and a touch of vanilla syrup for a light and heavenly cup of coffee. Perfect for those who enjoy a milder coffee taste. Come and discover your new favorite espresso classic today!

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Vanilla Sin Latte is more than just a warm and comforting drink; it’s a masterpiece. With its delightful blend of vanilla syrup, steamed milk, and cinnamon, this latte is perfect for any coffee lover. You won’t regret giving this recipe a try in the comfort of your own home.

Remember to experiment with substitutions and variations to tailor this recipe to your individual taste buds. Whether you choose classic vanilla or indulgent caramel truffle, you’re sure to enjoy every last sip.

And don’t forget the importance of quality ingredients when making your perfect cup of coffee. Opt for grass-fed butter or organic almond milk to elevate the taste of this renowned beverage even further.

In summary, the Vanilla Sin Latte is a must-try for anyone who loves coffee. The process is simple yet rewarding, and with minimal effort required, you too can make a delicious latte right in your own home. Let the sweet scent of cinnamon and vanilla fill your kitchen as you embark on the journey to create a cup of coffee perfection. Cheers to cozy mornings and happy sipping!

Vanilla Sin Latte

Vanilla Sin Latte Recipe

Cinnamon & vanilla, what's not to love. Simple & sinfully delicious.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 2 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Coffee
Calories 105.8 kcal


  • 1 teaspoon vanilla-flavored syrup
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon syrup
  • 1/3 cup freshly brewed espresso
  • 2/3 cup hot milk


  • Combine coffee with syrups.
  • Top with hot milk & enjoy!

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 243gCalories: 105.8kcalCarbohydrates: 7.6gProtein: 5.4gFat: 6.1gSaturated Fat: 3.8gCholesterol: 22.8mgSodium: 90.9mg
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Breakfast, Easy
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