Indulge in Deliciousness: Iced Mocha Recipe

If you are looking for a delicious and refreshing coffee drink to quench your thirst on a hot summer day, then look no further than this iced mocha recipe. This quick and easy homemade beverage is perfect for those who want to enjoy the rich taste and aroma of mocha without having to leave the comfort of their own homes.

Iced coffee has never been more popular, especially during the summer months, but adding chocolate syrup and milk takes it to another level. Our recipe uses simple ingredients that you may already have in your pantry or fridge. Plus, it only takes a few minutes to prepare!

Whether you are a Starbucks fanatic or a coffee novice, this iced mocha recipe is perfect for anyone who loves coffee drinks. Our recipe is versatile too, as you can add different variations to make it your own, depending on your tastes and preferences.

So, what are you waiting for? Follow our step-by-step guide to make the perfect iced mocha. Once you’ve made one, we’re sure you’ll be hooked on this refreshing and tasty drink!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Iced Mocha - quick and easy
Iced Mocha – quick and easy

If you love iced coffee drinks and are a fan of mocha, this easy homemade iced mocha recipe is precisely what you need. With a perfect balance of rich chocolate and strong cold brew coffee, this delicious iced mocha will leave you feeling energised and content.

The recipe is quick and easy to make, using simple ingredients that you may already have at home. The addition of cocoa powder and chocolate syrup adds a chocolatey twist making it all the more satisfying. You can whip up this refreshing drink in minutes to keep you fresh during hot summer afternoons or as a pick-me-up on busy mornings.

What’s great about this recipe is that you can easily modify it to suit your personal taste preferences. Whether you add whipped cream for an extra layer of sweetness or substitute cocoa powder for Nesquik, the options are endless. You can play around with the recipe to find your perfect cup of joe!

Instead of rushing to Starbucks every time you crave an iced mocha, now you can have it made in the comfort of your own home, saving money while also indulging in a cafe experience. Plus, with no compromise on taste or quality compared to coffee shops, it’s an excellent alternative.

So why not give this easy iced mocha recipe a try? With its affordable ingredients and simple steps, anyone can create an irresistible homemade iced mocha without any trouble!

Ingredient List

 Sip on this refreshing iced mocha on a hot summer day
Sip on this refreshing iced mocha on a hot summer day

For this easy homemade iced mocha recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup cold coffee (cold brew concentrate or strongly brewed cold coffee)
  • ½ cup 2% low-fat milk, whole milk or half-and-half
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup (or milk chocolate syrup)
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • Sugar, to taste (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • Whipped cream (optional)

I suggest using a strongly brewed coffee, like an espresso or French press, to get the rich and bold flavor needed for a delicious iced mocha. When it comes to milk, 2% low-fat milk is a great option because it’s light yet creamy. However, you can use any kind of milk that you prefer or try it with half-and-half for an even richer taste. Additionally, chocolate syrup and cocoa powder are key ingredients for giving the drink its chocolaty and sweet notes. Don’t forget the ice cubes to keep it perfectly refreshing! The whipped cream topping is entirely optional but adds a nice touch for those with a sweet tooth.

The Recipe How-To

 Cool down with a creamy and chocolaty treat
Cool down with a creamy and chocolaty treat

Now that we have our ingredients ready, it’s time to put them together and create our delicious iced mocha.


  1. Start by brewing 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee using cold water. If you’re short on time, you can use instant coffee or cold brew concentrate.
  2. Let the coffee cool down for about 5-10 minutes before adding any other ingredients.
  3. In a separate glass, combine ½ cup of milk and 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup. Stir well until the syrup is completely mixed into the milk.
  4. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes and pour in the cooled coffee until it reaches about ¾ of the glass.
  5. Add the chocolate milk mixture into the glass with coffee until it reaches the top.
  6. Optional: Add whipped cream on top of your mocha iced coffee.
  7. Finally, sprinkle some cocoa powder or drizzle some chocolate sauce over the whipped cream layer to give your iced mocha latte that extra special touch.

Note: If you’re looking for a strong kick in your mocha recipe, you can add 2 shots of espresso to step 1. If using instant coffee or cold brew concentrate, mix them in with the water in step 1.

Blender Method

If you want an even smoother consistency to your iced mocha recipe, try blending all the ingredients together.

  1. In a blender, combine 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee (at room temperature), ½ cup of whole milk, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, and 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  2. Blend everything together until smooth.
  3. Pour into a tall glass full of ice cubes and optionally add some whipped cream on top.

Mason Jar Method

Don’t have a blender? No problem! You can still make this delicious easy homemade recipe in a mason jar.

  1. In a mason jar, combine 1 cup of cold coffee, ½ cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup, and ice.
  2. Screw the lid onto the mason jar and shake until everything is well mixed together.
  3. Enjoy your delicious iced mocha made right in your kitchen!

Substitutions and Variations

 An easy-to-make iced mocha you'll crave again and again
An easy-to-make iced mocha you’ll crave again and again

Looking for ways to customize your iced mocha recipe? Here are some amazing substitutions and variations that can help you experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

First, you can use different types of milk to vary the fat content and taste. If you prefer a creamier texture, swap the 2% low-fat milk with whole milk, half-and-half or heavy cream. For a vegan option, substitute coconut milk or almond milk instead.

You can also adjust the coffee base of your iced mocha recipe by using different brewing methods. Instead of brewed coffee, try cold brew concentrate or espresso shots for stronger flavor.

For a richer chocolatey taste, add more cocoa powder or use dark chocolate syrup instead of milk chocolate syrup. To switch things up a bit, consider adding a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg to your iced mocha to give it a unique flavor twist.

Lastly, you can experiment with toppings and garnish to personalize your drink. Add whipped cream, chocolate shavings or sprinkles on top for an extra indulgent treat. Or how about adding vanilla ice cream to make it more like a frappe?

In summary, the iced mocha recipe is very versatile and can be adapted in various ways to suit individual preferences. Don’t be afraid to explore new alternatives and discover your own perfect blend!

Serving and Pairing

 Experience the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate in every sip
Experience the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate in every sip

Once you have made this easy iced mocha, be prepared to enjoy a deliciously refreshing treat that hits all the right spots. This iced coffee has deep, rich flavors of both chocolate syrup and cold brew concentrate, which blend together harmoniously with the hint of cocoa powder. The whole milk ensures a smooth consistency.

Garnish your iced mocha with some whipped cream to make it even more tempting as well as for decorating purposes. Next, add some ice cubes to chill it, making it an enjoyable drink during those hot summer days.

This easy-to-make homemade iced mocha is a great addition to any occasion, whether you’re serving it for breakfast or after dinner drinks. It pairs well with pretty much any dessert such as mocha flavored cake, chocolate chip cookies, or even vanilla ice cream.

Why not also try pairing it with savory foods like sandwiches or grilled meats? It’s a versatile drink that’s perfect for brunches or anytime you need an energy boost.

Enjoy this easy-to-make Iced Mocha either with friends or solo – any way is great!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Beat the heat with this delightful iced mocha
Beat the heat with this delightful iced mocha

If you want to enjoy your iced mocha on the go or make it in advance, there are a few things to keep in mind. To make the process smoother, I recommend preparing a batch of cold brew concentrate and chocolate syrup ahead of time. Simply store them in airtight containers in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

When it comes to storing your iced mocha itself, it’s best to drink it right away since the ice cubes will melt and dilute the flavor over time. However, if you need to store it overnight or for a few hours, try transferring it to an insulated thermos or mason jar with a tight-fitting lid. This will help retain its temperature and flavor.

If you’re reheating your iced mocha, be aware that heating dairy-based ingredients can cause them to curdle or separate. To prevent this from happening, I suggest reheating your mocha in a saucepan over low heat while constantly stirring until heated through. Alternatively, pour it into a microwavable container and heat in 30-second intervals until warm, again stirring well between each interval.

However, keep in mind that whipping cream is not suitable for reheating due to its high-fat content. If you’d like whipped cream for garnish, whip it up fresh right before serving your iced mocha for maximum flavor and texture.

Overall, with these tips and recommendations, you can enjoy your homemade iced mocha anytime, anywhere!

Tips for Perfect Results

 This tantalizing drink is sure to satisfy your caffeine and chocolate cravings
This tantalizing drink is sure to satisfy your caffeine and chocolate cravings

If you want to make an easy iced mocha that tastes like it came straight out of a café, then you need to pay attention to every detail of your recipe. As a barista with years of experience, I have some tips that will help make sure your iced mocha turns out perfectly every time.

Firstly, don’t skimp on the quality of the ingredients. Your iced mocha will only be as good as the ingredients you put into it. Use freshly brewed coffee or cold brew concentrate and high-quality chocolate syrup or cocoa powder for the best taste.

Secondly, if you’re using ice cubes in your recipe, try making them with coffee or espresso instead of water. This will add an extra layer of flavor to your drink and prevent it from getting watered down as the ice melts.

Thirdly, make sure to stir well when combining all the ingredients together. A well-stirred iced mocha ensures that all the flavors blend seamlessly and enhances the overall drinking experience.

Fourthly, consider using milk alternatives such as almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk if you’re lactose intolerant or just looking for a healthier option. These alternatives can also add a unique flavor twist to your iced mocha.

Lastly, if you want to take your iced mocha to the next level, add some whipped cream on top for a rich and decadent treat. And don’t forget to garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or drizzle of chocolate sauce for an Instagram-worthy finish.

By following these tips and tricks, you will be sure to get perfect results from your easy homemade iced mocha every time!


As a barista, I know that different people have different preferences when it comes to coffee. Some prefer their coffee hot, while others opt for cold brew or iced coffee. With the popularity of these coffee drinks, it’s no wonder why people have many questions about them. In this section, I aim to address some of the frequently asked questions about making iced mocha and provide practical solutions that could help you achieve the taste and texture you desire.

How is a iced mocha made?

Before we get the party started, let’s get your cocoa powder ready. Take a small amount and mix it with some hot water. Stir it until it forms a syrupy consistency and let it settle at the bottom of your mason jar.

Once that’s taken care of, it’s time to cool things down by adding some ice to your glass. The ice will help bring out the flavors and create a refreshing sensation.

Now, let’s get that caffeine fix with either cold coffee or a strong espresso shot. Pour it into your glass and watch as the dark liquid combines with the ice.

We’re not done yet, though. Add your preferred type of milk, whether it’s creamy whole milk or non-dairy milk. Stir it until the milk blends seamlessly with the coffee.

To cater to your sweet tooth, it’s time to add a sprinkle of sugar. Add as much or as little as you want, depending on how sweet you like it. And if you want to take it to the next level, go ahead and top it off with some decadent whipped cream.

So go ahead, grab your ingredients and let’s create a satisfying and delicious iced cocoa coffee.

What are the ingredients in a Starbucks iced mocha?

Looking for a refreshing break? Look no further than our Customizations drink, a classic iced coffee creation that is sure to satisfy your cravings. We start with a full-bodied espresso and mix it with rich bittersweet mocha sauce, milk and ice. Finally, we add a dollop of sweetened whipped cream on top, making for a deliciously decadent treat.

How is McDonald’s iced mocha made?

Our Iced Mocha Latte is a perfect blend of sustainably sourced espresso beans from Rainforest Alliance Certifiedâ„¢ farms, creamy whole milk, and chocolate syrup, topped with delightful whipped light cream and chocolate drizzle. It’s the perfect refreshment for when you need a cool pick-me-up on a sunny day.

How to make Starbucks instant mocha?

When it comes to making a great cup of coffee, the first step is all about balance. If you’re using a small 6-oz cup, then aim for 1 1/2 teaspoons of Starbucks® Premium Instant Coffee. But, if you prefer a larger cup, such as an 8-oz mug, increase the amount of coffee up to 2 teaspoons. Once the coffee is measured, add water and give it a good stir to mix everything together. This will help the flavors to distribute evenly throughout the coffee.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, there’s nothing quite like a refreshing iced mocha on a hot summer day. With this quick and easy recipe, you’ll be able to prepare your delicious iced mocha right at home without any hassle. You don’t have to be a professional barista or rely on Starbucks to enjoy an excellent coffee experience.

With just a few simple ingredients, including brewed coffee or cold brew concentrate, chocolate syrup, milk (or non-dairy alternatives), and ice cubes, you can create a delicious and creamy iced mocha in minutes. Whether you’re looking for a sweet afternoon pick-me-up or a morning boost, iced mochas are the perfect alternative to hot coffee and other sugary drinks.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with different variations of this recipe, such as substituting milk chocolate syrup for dark chocolate syrup or adding whipped cream toppings. The possibilities are endless, and ultimately it comes down to your personal taste preferences.

So next time you’re craving a rich and satisfying iced mocha, try making it at home with our easy-to-follow recipe. Trust me; you won’t regret it! Not only is it cheaper than buying one from Starbucks, but the satisfaction of creating something from scratch and enjoying the fruits of your labor is worth its weight in gold.

Iced Mocha - quick and easy

Iced Mocha - quick and easy Recipe

Pretty darn close to what you might get in a coffee house, but much much cheeper
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine International
Servings 1 glass
Calories 252.4 kcal


  • 2 tablespoons Folgers instant cappuccino mix
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 cup 2% low-fat milk
  • 1 glass ice


  • Start by filling a glass with ice and put it in freezer.
  • Next, in a glass measuring cup combine cappuccino mix and water.
  • Mix vigoursly, if pasty, add more water.
  • Now add chocolate syurp to measuring cup.
  • Finally add milk to the 1 cup line on your measuring cup.
  • Mix well and pour over ice.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 533gCalories: 252.4kcalCarbohydrates: 34.9gProtein: 9.8gFat: 8.1gSaturated Fat: 4.5gCholesterol: 20.3mgSodium: 229.2mgFiber: 1gSugar: 24.8g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy, No-Cook
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