Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With This Mocha Dream Cream

Are you tired of the same old coffee routine? Bored with your go-to lattes and cappuccinos? Fear not, my fellow coffee lovers. I have just the recipe to add a little excitement to your daily cup of Joe. Introducing my mocha cream liqueur recipe.

This creamy concoction is perfect for adding a little extra kick to your morning caffeine fix, spicing up a nightcap or impressing your guests at your next party. Each sip is filled with the decadent flavors of chocolate, coffee, and sweet cream that will leave you craving more.

But what makes my recipe so special? Not only is it easy to make with simple ingredients found in most pantries, but it’s also highly versatile with endless substitutions and variations – from peppermint mocha to rocky road.

So, put down that premade bottle of Irish cream liqueur and give my homemade mocha cream liqueur recipe a try. I promise it’ll be worth it.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Mocha Cream Liqueur
Mocha Cream Liqueur

Are you a fan of creamy, chocolaty liqueurs? Do you love luscious mocha? Then you’ll absolutely adore this mocha cream liqueur recipe! Trust me; once you make this drink, you won’t be able to stop drinking it.

This recipe features a rich and decadent combination of dark chocolate, coffee, and vanilla flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. You won’t be able to resist the irresistible creaminess and sweetness of the drink.

The best part is that this recipe can be easily customized to your liking. If you prefer peppermint mocha or creamy Irish cream, you can simply substitute some ingredients and create your own unique flavor. With the endless possibilities of substitutions and variations, you’ll never get bored with this recipe!

Plus, making this drink at home is much more affordable than buying ready-made liqueurs from the stores. Not to mention, creating your own blend ensures that there are no artificial additives or preservatives that might negatively affect your health.

Last but not least, indulging in a glass of mocha cream liqueur is the perfect way to elevate any occasion. Whether it’s sipping on it as an after-dinner drink or serving it at a soiree, this beverage will surely impress your guests.

So go ahead and try this recipe out today; I promise you won’t regret it!

Ingredient List

 Indulge in a creamy and chocolatey delight with our Mocha Cream Liqueur!
Indulge in a creamy and chocolatey delight with our Mocha Cream Liqueur!

Here are the ingredients you need for your Mocha Cream Liqueur:

  • Cream (1 cup) – Use heavy cream, also known as whipping cream, for a smooth and creamy texture.

  • Sweetened Condensed Milk (3/4 cup) – This ingredient is essential to balance the bitterness of the coffee while adding sweetness to the liqueur.

  • Coffee Liqueur (1 ounce) – It’s what gives the liqueur its coffee aroma and flavor.

  • Irish Cream Liqueur (1 ounce) – Add depth and richness to your drink by using Irish cream. Choose from Baileys, Bonnie Rose or Kerrygold varieties.

  • Chocolate Syrup (2 tablespoons) – For a hint of chocolate flavor and darker color, stir in some chocolate syrup.

  • Instant Espresso Powder (1 teaspoon) – This is optional, but it brings out a bolder coffee flavor.

You can easily double or triple this recipe for large batches. Don’t forget to refrigerate your homemade Mocha Cream Liqueur to keep it fresh longer.

The Recipe How-To

 A sip of our luscious Mocha Cream Liqueur is all you need to feel warm and fuzzy inside.
A sip of our luscious Mocha Cream Liqueur is all you need to feel warm and fuzzy inside.

After gathering all the ingredients, it’s time to make this delicious and creamy Mocha Cream Liqueur. Don’t worry, it is quite an easy recipe. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Coffee + Chocolate

In a bowl, add 1 cup of coffee liqueur or Baileys Irish Cream and stir in 2 oz (30ml) of instant espresso. Mix it with 3/4 cup sweetened condensed milk and 3/4 cup heavy cream.

Step 2: Chocolate Syrup

Add 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup to the mixture and stir until well combined.

Step 3: Vanilla

Next, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract for extra flavor.

Step 4: Vodka

For an extra kick, add 1 ounce (30ml) of vodka to the mixture and stir well to combine.

Step 5: Milk Mixture

In another bowl combine 1 oz (30ml) Bailey’s Irish Cream with milk for a great creamy taste. Mix in the milk, condensed milk, and remaining heavy cream.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

Add the coffee mixture into the Milk mixture slowly while stirring constantly. Once combined, your Mocha Cream Liqueur is ready for enjoyment!

Serve chilled over ice or use it as a mix-in ingredient for hot drinks like hot chocolate, cappuccinos or lattes!

Now that you know how to make delicious mocha cream liqueur at home, you’ll never have to spend crazy amounts on store-bought brands again! Store this creamy delight in an airtight container and keep it refrigerated for up to two weeks.

Substitutions and Variations

 Take a break from the ordinary and try our Mocha Cream Liqueur, the perfect treat to unwind with.
Take a break from the ordinary and try our Mocha Cream Liqueur, the perfect treat to unwind with.

Ah, the beauty of customization. I love it! Here are some substitutions and variations to create your unique twist on the classic Mocha Cream Liqueur recipe.

First off, if you’re looking for a non-alcoholic version, all you have to do is skip the Irish cream or vodka entirely. Instead, try substituting them with equal parts of milk or a vanilla-flavored syrup.

If you’re more of a minty person, then why not make peppermint mocha cream liqueur instead? You can add 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint extract or swap out the vodka for peppermint schnapps to achieve that refreshing taste. To take it up a notch, mix in some crushed candy canes or serve with a candy cane garnish!

For those chocolate lovers out there (*raises hand*), try adding 1-2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder to the mixture. You can also use dark chocolate or white chocolate chips instead of regular chocolate chips for light mocha cream liqueur.

Another creamy option is to replace coffee liqueur with Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur. The result is a heavenly Bonnie Homemade Mocha Cream Liqueur that tastes like your favorite café iced mocha.

If you want to experiment more with its alcohol content and flavors, consider using another type of sweet cream liqueur such as Amarula, Whisper Creek, or Jackson Morgan. For a kick, try swapping in Meister Mocha (a German herbal liqueur) or Tennessee Legend Peppermint Mocha.

You can even get creative and mix-and-match different combinations until you find your perfect blend. Remember that the possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours!

Serving and Pairing

 Cozy up by the fire and enjoy a glass of our Mocha Cream Liqueur for a sweet and soothing night.
Cozy up by the fire and enjoy a glass of our Mocha Cream Liqueur for a sweet and soothing night.

When it comes to serving and pairing your homemade mocha cream liqueur, there are endless options. Personally, I recommend enjoying this indulgent drink on its own, poured over a few ice cubes or served chilled. Trust me, you don’t need any additional garnishes or frills – this creamy concoction truly speaks for itself.

However, if you’re looking to add a little something extra to the experience, consider pouring your mocha cream liqueur over a scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice cream for a decadent dessert. You could even top it off with a drizzle of chocolate syrup or some freshly shaved dark chocolate for added texture and flavor.

If you’re using your mocha cream liqueur as part of a cocktail or mixed drink, there are several directions you can take things. For example, try using it in place of Irish cream to create a delicious peppermint mocha Irish cream cocktail – simply mix together equal parts mocha cream liqueur and peppermint schnapps over ice and enjoy.

Alternatively, use your homemade mocha cream liqueur as the base for an indulgent iced coffee or iced mocha. Simply mix it with cold coffee and pour over ice for a refreshing and delicious pick-me-up that’s perfect for summertime sipping.

Whatever way you choose to serve and enjoy your homemade mocha cream liqueur, one thing is certain: every sip is a treat for the senses. Cheers!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A delicious blend of coffee, cream, and chocolate, our Mocha Cream Liqueur brings the taste of heaven to your palate.
A delicious blend of coffee, cream, and chocolate, our Mocha Cream Liqueur brings the taste of heaven to your palate.

Welcome to the make-ahead, storing and reheating section of this scrumptious mocha cream liqueur recipe! We all know that life is unpredictable, but our love for a good cocktail remains strong. So, don’t worry – this creamy mocha cocktail can be made ahead of time and stored for later use.

Firstly, let’s talk about making this delightful treat in advance. All you’ve got to do is prepare the mocha cream liqueur according to the instructions mentioned in section (4), without adding the whipping cream. Once your homemade mocha cream liqueur cools down, mix in the whipping cream and whip it up until it becomes frothy – this will keep your liqueur fresh and ready to serve.

Now, let’s delve into the storage aspect! To maintain freshness and flavor, I suggest storing your mocha cream liqueur in an airtight container while keeping it refrigerated. Homemade mocha cream liqueur can last in your refrigerator for up to two months if stored correctly.

Last but not least is reheating. To reheat your delicious homemade cocktail, warm it over low heat while stirring occasionally to prevent clumping. If you want a cold beverage, shake the bottle with ice cubes for a quick chill – and voila! Your Bonnie Homemade Mocha Cream Liqueur is ready to be enjoyed once again.

Well, that’s all from me for now! Keep these tips in mind when making your delicious coffee liqueur and become the life of any party or gathering – or simply enjoy it at home as you snuggle up with a good book under a cozy blanket. Cheers!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Treat yourself to the
Treat yourself to the

So, you’ve decided to make some Mocha Cream Liqueur. Good choice! Before you start pouring and mixing, let me give you some tips to ensure perfect results.

1. Use high-quality ingredients.

The taste of your Mocha Cream Liqueur will only be as good as the ingredients you use. Use high-quality, fresh cream, and real vanilla extract. Don’t skimp on the chocolate syrup or instant espresso. The little extra expense will be worth it in the end.

2. Measure carefully.

When making liqueurs, accuracy is essential. A slight variation in the amount of an ingredient can cause a dramatic change in taste or texture. Use measuring spoons and cups to ensure that each ingredient is measured correctly.

3. Chill before serving.

Mocha Cream Liqueur tastes best when chilled. Once you’ve made it, chill it for at least two hours before serving to allow the flavors to blend together.

4. Store properly.

Store your Mocha Cream Liqueur in a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Keep it refrigerated, and try to use it within a month of making it.

5. Experiment with variations.

Mocha Cream is delicious but there are so many other flavors you can create at home by adding peppermint or caramel for a more complex flavor profile. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your recipes and make something unique that is perfect suited to reflect your personal taste preferences.

Follow these tips and share them with family and friends so everyone can enjoy this creamy goodness together!


As a barista, I have noticed that whenever people hear about a new recipe, they tend to have many questions. So, I have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about this Mocha Cream Liqueur Recipe for your convenience. Keep on reading to find out more!

What do you mix with cream Liquer?

If you’re looking to add a touch of indulgence and sophistication to your cocktail, consider incorporating cream liqueurs into the mix. These liqueurs tend to complement sweetness in chocolate, almond, hazelnut or coffee-based drinks. However, don’t be afraid to be adventurous and try out some fruity mix-ins like pineapple puree, orange juice, apple juice, or even fresh herbs like coriander and mint to create a drink that is perfect for those pre-dinner sips.

How do you use cream liqueur?

There are various ways to enjoy cream liqueurs, whether you prefer it as a standalone drink, chilled, mixed with ice, or as an ingredient in your favorite cocktail. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your cream liqueurs by trying it over a scoop of ice cream, or by adding it to your coffee as a unique twist on a cappuccino. The possibilities are endless!

How to make coffee liquer cream?

To start, let’s begin by brewing some coffee. Once that is complete, grab a heatproof glass and pour your preferred spirit or liqueur into it. Next, add a dash of sugar to the mixture, but take note that if the liqueur is particularly sweet (such as amaretto), using less sugar is recommended. It’s always better to start with a conservative amount of sugar and add more later, as needed. After the sugar is added, pour the coffee in until the glass is about 2-3 cm away from being full. Give the mixture a good stir and taste. If it’s still not quite sweet enough, add in some more sugar.

Is cream liqueur good in regular cocktails?

Indulge in the smooth and sugary Irish cream liqueur that uplifts the taste of cocktails. Served chilled or over ice, it brings a delightful twist to a variety of drinks. Mixing with coffee, cocoa, and vanilla soda let you relish the perfect blend of flavors.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this mocha cream liqueur recipe is the perfect addition to any coffee lover’s recipe collection. It’s versatile enough that you can modify it to suit your tastes, and it’s great for both sipping on its own or using in mixed drinks.

Whether you’re looking for a creamy mocha cocktail to sip during the holidays, a refreshing iced mocha to enjoy on a hot summer day, or simply a comforting hot chocolate with a twist, this recipe has got you covered. With smooth flavors of chocolate and coffee blended with rich cream liqueur, this recipe is sure to please.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try out this addictive mocha cream liqueur recipe. You won’t regret it!

Mocha Cream Liqueur

Mocha Cream Liqueur Recipe

I revised this recipe from one I found on, since I didn't want all the fat from heavy cream in it. It's still rich and delicious.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine International
Calories 98 kcal


  • 1 (14 ounce) can fat-free sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 1/4 cups coconut rum
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons french vanilla espresso powder
  • 1/4 cup chocolate syrup
  • 1/4 cup whole milk


  • Put all ingredients in blender anc cover tightly. Blend on high speed until the mixture is well blended and smooth.
  • Serve in small glasses over crushed ice. Also excellent in coffee or chai tea.
  • Store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Make sure to stir or shake thoroughly before serving.
  • Makes an excellent gift!

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 42gCalories: 98kcalCarbohydrates: 5.4gProtein: 0.6gFat: 0.9gSaturated Fat: 0.4gCholesterol: 0.7mgSodium: 29.4mgFiber: 0.2gSugar: 3.1g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages
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