Delicious and Nutritious Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe

Dear coffee lovers,

I am thrilled to share with you my latest discovery: the Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe. If you’re like me, you are constantly searching for new ways to elevate your coffee drinking experience. Well, search no more! This recipe delivers a rich and buttery flavor, infused with the sweet aroma of freshly roasted macadamia nuts and decadent dark chocolate.

What makes this recipe truly special is that it is versatile and can be enjoyed in various forms – hot, iced, or even as a frappuccino. The smooth and creamy consistency can be customized to your liking, making it an ideal choice for any time of day or night.

But why macadamia nuts, you ask? I chose these delightful nuts not only for their unique flavor but also for their nutritional benefits. Macadamia nuts are loaded with healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. So you get to indulge in a delicious treat while nurturing your body at the same time – it’s a win-win situation.

In this recipe article, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the entire process of making the perfect Macadamia Nut Mocha. From the ingredient list to pro tips for perfect results, I’ve got you covered. And don’t worry – if you’re feeling adventurous, there are plenty of substitutions and variations to try out.

Get ready for a cup of coffee that delivers an unforgettable taste experience. Brew a fresh pot or pop in a single-serve pod, because this is not your average coffee drink. Keep on reading to discover more about this exciting recipe!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Macadamia Nut Mocha
Macadamia Nut Mocha

As a barista, I have realized that there are coffee drinks, and then there is the Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe. This recipe delivers a savory aroma that will appeal to your senses and captures the essence of making the perfect cup of coffee drink. The combination of chocolate macadamia nut syrup, milk, and espresso shots results in a sweet mocha taste with a buttery flavor and a nutty touch. Trust me; this recipe will transport you to Hawaii with just one sip!

If you’re looking for something different to start your day or warm your afternoon, you’ll love the Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe. It’s easy to make and can be customized to your liking. Whether you use white chocolate or dark chocolate chips or substitute sugar-free syrup, you can tailor this wonderful recipe to suit your preferences.

Another reason why you’ll love this recipe is because it’s versatile-enough to cater for hot and cold coffee beverages! Not in the mood for a hot beverage? No problem! You can easily switch this recipe up by adding ice and blending it into an incredibly delicious and refreshing Frappuccino or an iced coffee drink.

Remember that you do not have to be a master barista to enjoy a Macadamia Nut Mocha coffee drink at home. The products featured in this recipe article are conveniently accessible and may satisfy your cravings without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, this Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe will soon become your new favorite coffee drink day or night. The rich buttery taste combined with chocolate and macadamia nut makes it an irresistible treat that will leave you wanting more. So go ahead and give it a try; you won’t regret it!

Ingredient List

 A nutty twist on a classic coffee favorite.
A nutty twist on a classic coffee favorite.

Here is a breakdown of the ingredients you will need for this Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe:

  • 2 shots of espresso or 1 cup strong brewed coffee
  • 1/2 cup whole milk (use skim milk for a lighter option)
  • 1 tablespoon raw macadamia nuts
  • 1 tablespoon cacao powder (use unsweetened cocoa powder as an alternative)
  • 2 tablespoons nut syrup (macadamia syrup works best, but hazelnut or almond can be a substitute)
  • 4 oz dark chocolate, roughly chopped (chocolate chips can be used as an alternative)

To make it iced, you’ll need:

  • 3/4 cup whole milk (again, use skim if preferred)
  • 2 shots of espresso or 1 cup strong brewed coffee
  • 2 tablespoons nut syrup (macadamia syrup is best)
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes

Note that these are the recipe ingredients based on our recommended servings. You can always adjust ingredient amounts to your liking.

The Recipe How-To

 Get ready for a delicious blend of chocolate, espresso, and macadamia nuts.
Get ready for a delicious blend of chocolate, espresso, and macadamia nuts.

Now comes the most exciting part of this macadamia nut mocha recipe: How to make it! So, let’s dive into the instructions on how to make a rich and creamy macadamia nut mocha!

Gather the Ingredients

Before you start making your macadamia nut mocha, you need to gather all the ingredients in one place. Check that you have everything, from macadamia nut syrup and cacao powder to espresso shots, milk, and whipped cream. Once you have everything you need at your workspace, it’s time to start creating your masterpiece.

Mix Macadamia Nut Syrup and Cacao Powder

In a saucepan over medium heat or a microwave-safe bowl, mix two tablespoons of macadamia nut syrup and one tablespoon of cacao powder. Stir well until the mixture is smooth as silk with no lumps.

Pull Two Espresso Shots

Brew two espresso shots or substitute for two ounces of strong brewed coffee if you don’t have an espresso machine. Set them aside.

Heat Milk

Pour one cup of milk into a small saucepan and heat it over medium-low heat. Keep stirring occasionally until the desired temperature under 160 degrees Fahrenheit is reached.

Combine Syrup Mixture and Espresso Shots

Add your chocolate macadamia nut syrup mixture to the two espresso shots. Stir until they are combined perfectly.

Pour Hot Milk into the Espresso Mixture

Slowly pour hot milk into the espresso mixture while stirring well to combine.

Top with Whipped Cream

Now, top your hot and delicious macadamia nut mocha with whipped cream for an extra boost of flavour.


Enjoy your macadamia nut mocha while it’s still hot!

That’s it! You now have a steaming cup of homemade macadamia nut mocha that you can customise as per your preference. You deserve to sit and relish the rich buttery and sweet mocha, delivering a savoury aroma that will take you to Nut Heaven!

Substitutions and Variations

 One cup of this heavenly concoction is all you need to brighten up your day.
One cup of this heavenly concoction is all you need to brighten up your day.

Who says you have to stick to the same old recipe every time? There are plenty of ways to switch up your macadamia nut mocha drink for an exciting and personalized experience.


– Milk: if you’re lactose intolerant or looking to go dairy-free, use almond, oat, or soy milk as a substitute.

– Nut syrup: exchange macadamia nut syrup with hazelnut or almond syrup for a different flavor twist.

– Sweetener: swap regular sugar with coconut sugar or maple syrup for a healthier alternative.

– Chocolate: use dark chocolate for a bittersweet taste or white chocolate for a sweeter taste profile.


– Iced Macadamia Nut Mocha: enjoy this drink chilled by replacing hot brewed coffee with cold coffee and serving over ice cubes. For an enviable presentation, add whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top.

– White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Mocha: crave something creamy and indulgent? Substitute the dark chocolate with white chocolate and see how it brings out the best in the macadamia nut syrup.

– Macadamia Nut Mocha Frappuccino: there’s something about blended drinks that screams summer. Make your mocha into a Frappuccino by blending 1 cup strong brewed coffee, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tbsp nut syrup, 2 tbsp cacao powder, 1 tbsp sugar-free chocolate chips, and 2 cups ice until smooth. Garnish with whipped cream and enjoy.

– Cookie Macadamia Nut Mocha: pair your drink with some cookie goodness by crumbling a macadamia nut biscotti or chocolate chip cookie on top of your whipped cream. Alternatively, make cookie ice cream sandwiches by placing your favorite cookie flavors between two scoops of ice cream and serving alongside your mocha coffee.

These substitutions and variations allow you to experiment with flavors and textures that suit your preferences. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take your macadamia nut mocha to the next level!

Serving and Pairing

 Take a sip and let the rich, creamy flavor wash over you.
Take a sip and let the rich, creamy flavor wash over you.

If you’re looking to sip on a sweet and nutty drink that can give you a quick caffeine jolt, this Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe is definitely worth trying. It’s a beverage that truly delivers the best of both worlds: the robust flavor of dark chocolate and the rich buttery taste of raw macadamia nuts.

When serving this drink, I suggest garnishing it with some whipped cream, crumbled nut biscotti, or macadamia nuts for extra texture and indulgence. This will also give your mocha macadamia nut a bit more crunch.

To complete your experience, you might want to consider pairing your sweet mocha beverage with some cookies or brownies. I recommend something with chocolate chips or white chocolate macadamia nut. You could also make an ice-cream sandwich with chocolate cookie and vanilla ice cream, or pair it with a Kona Mocha Frappuccino as well.

Additionally, top off your drinks with some white chocolate shavings or sprinkle cacao powder for a fancy look. Remember, presentation is key!

Whether it’s morning, afternoon, or evening – serve yourself a hot Macadamia Nut Mocha coffee drink and indulge in its savory aroma making the perfect cup of coffee drink all day/night long.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Perfect for a cozy night in or as an indulgent treat any time of the day.
Perfect for a cozy night in or as an indulgent treat any time of the day.

Ah, the Macadamia Nut Mocha – a decadent coffee drink that’s perfect any time of day or night. If you want to enjoy this luscious beverage without any hassle, there are a few things you can do to make the process smoother. In this section, I’ll share tips for making the Macadamia Nut Mocha in advance, storing it properly, and reheating it when you’re ready to indulge.

First of all, let’s talk about making the Macadamia Nut Mocha ahead of time. While it’s best to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee as soon as possible after brewing it, you can still make the Macadamia Nut Mocha in advance if you plan on serving it later. To do this, simply follow the recipe instructions and let the mocha cool off before transferring it to an airtight container. Pop it in the fridge and it’ll keep for up to three days.

When storing the Macadamia Nut Mocha, be sure to choose a container with an airtight seal. This helps minimize the amount of air that comes into contact with the coffee, which can cause oxidation and spoilage. A glass jar or plastic container will both work well.

Now for reheating – when you want to heat up your refrigerated Macadamia Nut Mocha, there are two methods that work well: microwave and stovetop.

If using a microwave, simply transfer the amount of mocha you want to reheat into a microwave-safe mug or bowl and heat on high for 30 seconds at a time until it reaches your desired temperature. Be sure to stir it between heating intervals.

If using a stovetop method for reheating, pour the desired amount of mocha into a small saucepan and heat slowly over low-medium heat. Stir gently until heated through.

That being said, when reheating Macadamia Nut Mocha, it’s important to avoid boiling or overheating it as both can cause the flavors to break down and the coffee to become bitter, effectively ruining your drink.

And that’s it. With these tips for preparing, storing, and reheating your Macadamia Nut Mocha, you can savor every last drop of this rich, nutty, chocolatey coffee drink.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Nothing says delicious quite like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with sweet chocolate.
Nothing says delicious quite like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with sweet chocolate.

As a barista, I know that small changes in the brewing process can make a huge difference in the final cup of coffee. Here are some tips to help you achieve perfect results every time you make a Macadamia Nut Mocha:

1. Use high-quality ingredients – Using fresh, high-quality ingredients is key to making a delicious Macadamia Nut Mocha. Make sure to use fresh roasted coffee beans, quality chocolate, and real macadamia nuts.

2. Brew your coffee strong – The coffee base of this recipe is crucial; it should be strong and bold to balance out the sweet nuttiness of the macadamia nut syrup.

3. Foam your milk correctly – To get the perfect foam for your latte art, use whole milk and steam it to about 140°F. Tap the steaming pitcher on the counter several times to eliminate large bubbles, creating a smooth texture.

4. Incorporate flavors evenly – Whether you use macadamia nut syrup or white chocolate, flavor incorporation is key. Pour syrup into the cup first so that it will mix well with espresso shots once poured, then add milk slowly in small amounts while stirring to achieve even distribution.

5. Experiment with different variations – Try different variations and substitutions according to your preferences! For example, if you want an extra sweet treat, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or brownie chunks.

With these tips in mind, you’ll have all you need to create an irresistible Macadamia Nut Mocha at home or for your customers at your coffee shop.


As with any recipe, there may be questions and uncertainties when it comes to preparing a macadamia nut mocha. Don’t worry! In this section, we will address the most common frequently asked questions about this unique coffee drink. Whether you are an experienced barista or a beginner, these answers will help you achieve that perfect cup of macadamia nut mocha every time. So, let’s dive in!

What is macadamia mocha?

Looking for a heavenly coffee experience? Look no further than our nutty macadamia and sweet mocha latte! Our authentic espresso-style hot brew extract is blended with macadamia, almond, and cocoa to create the perfect balance of deep, rich mocha flavor with an irresistible nutty twist. Our coffee experts have crafted this delectable beverage using a unique blend of Ethiopian & Vietnamese coffee beans, resulting in a creamy and soft milk base that perfectly complements the robust flavors of the coffee. Keep reading for our tips on how to make this delicious drink at home!

What tastes good with macadamia nuts?

When it comes to roasting macadamias, it’s time to let creativity take flight by exploring new and exciting flavours beyond the usual chilli and rosemary combinations. The creamy crunch of macadamias can be heightened by roasting them with unique flavour combinations. Try out some unconventional tastes with wasabi and matcha, curry powder, cinnamon doughnut, paprika, desert oak and dukkah, lemon myrtle, and last but not least, salt and vinegar. These combinations are sure to tantalize your taste buds and elevate your coffee game.

What does macadamia coffee taste like?

For this recipe, we’ll be using a specific type of coffee bean that has been roasted just a little bit more than usual. This lends to a deeper, more complex flavor profile, enhanced by the addition of nutty and buttery macadamia notes.

What is chocolate macadamia nut?

When it comes to dessert nuts, none are more prized than the macadamia. This nut is renowned for its luxurious, buttery taste and is considered to be one of the most expensive nuts in the world. At our coffee shop, we take our macadamias and give them the royal treatment by roasting, toasting, and caramelizing them. To finish, we dip them in dark chocolate and dust them with unsweetened cocoa powder to create an irresistible, harmonious flavor.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you’re a fan of macadamia nuts and chocolate, you’ll absolutely love this recipe for Macadamia Nut Mocha. It’s a one-of-a-kind coffee drink that delivers a savory aroma and makes the perfect cup of coffee to enjoy any time of day or night.

With a few simple ingredients and a willingness to experiment, you can create your own unique variations on this recipe that deliver even richer and more interesting flavor combinations. Whether you choose to use syrup, iced coffee, or frappuccino, there are endless possibilities for enjoying the delicious taste of macadamia nut mocha.

So why not treat yourself to this delectable drink today? With our step-by-step guide, multiple variations and substitutions options and tips and tricks for achieving the best results, anyone can be a barista at home. Don’t just take my word for it – give it a try and see for yourself!

Macadamia Nut Mocha

Macadamia Nut Mocha Recipe

From Davinci, I just recently purchased some Macadamia Nut Syrup & found this recipe. So good!
No ratings yet
Prep Time 2 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Coffee-based
Calories 76.2 kcal


  • 1/4 ounce macadamia nut syrup (7.5ml)
  • 3/4 ounce chocolate syrup (22.5ml)
  • 1/4-1/3 cup freshly brewed espresso
  • steamed milk


  • Combine ingredients in a 360ml mug (12oz).

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 81gCalories: 76.2kcalCarbohydrates: 13.5gProtein: 1.1gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0.9gCholesterol: 0.4mgSodium: 82.5mgFiber: 0.6gSugar: 7.2g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Australian, Beverages, Breakfast, Easy
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