
Hi, I’m Sam

Coffee has always been a huge part of my life, so I started an amazing website – greatcoffeebreak.com – to showcase my love for coffee and comfort foods. I’m sharing recipes, tips and tricks to make the perfect cafe treats for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. It’s my way of giving back to the coffee community and I’m so excited to share my passion with others!

I’m also passionate about sustainability and I’m incorporating that into my website by offering tips on how to reduce your coffee waste. From composting grounds to using reusable cups, I’m dedicated to helping make the world a better place, one cup of coffee at a time. I’m also working with local coffee roasters to ensure that the beans I’m using are ethically and sustainably sourced. I’m so proud to be making a positive impact on the environment, and I’m looking forward to continuing to help make the world a better place.

Sam The Barista

Fun Facts About Me

I’d rather be

at the beach

Listening to

country music

grateful for

my family

Favorite place


my weekends

sports & family

best snuggle buddies

my puppies

My Favorite Recipe

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My Favorite Decorating Post

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What Makes Me a Good Barista

I never imagined myself as a barista until I visited my uncle and witnessed him roasting coffee beans. The warmth and fragrance of the freshly-roasted beans were so tantalizing that it made me curious about the art of coffee making. I started to explore the intricacies of coffee preparation and delved into the science and technique behind it. My curiosity and enthusiasm enabled me to learn the different coffee brewing methods quickly and gave me a better understanding of the craft.

Becoming a barista is not just about knowing the right technique. It is also about the experience and emotion that the barista can bring to the customer. To make a good barista requires patience, empathy, and a genuine love of coffee. I have learned that, to be a good barista, I need to be passionate about coffee, be patient and understanding with customers, and be willing to learn new things. All these qualities will help me serve the best cup of coffee to my customers and make them feel welcome in my shop.

You’ll Want to Make These Coffee Drinks

I have carefully curated these delectable coffee recipes. Each one has been hand-selected by me. All of them are top-notch, so you’re sure to find something that’s perfect for you. With these recipes, you can make a cup of coffee that’s as unique as you are. So get brewing and enjoy the deliciousness!

Cappuccino Creams

Deliciously Rich Cappuccino Creams Recipe

Hey there fellow coffee lovers! Today, I have a special recipe that is going to blow your taste buds away. Are you ready for it? It’s the cappuccino creams recipe….
Cappuccino Cupcakes With Cream Cheese Mascarpone Frosting

Delicious and Easy Cappuccino Cupcakes Recipe

Welcome to my recipe for Cappuccino Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Mascarpone Frosting! As a barista, I love finding new ways to incorporate coffee into recipes, and these cupcakes are no…
Cappuccino Custard - Sugar Free

Delicious and Easy Cappuccino Custard Recipe

Our love affair with coffee dates back to the 15th century, where it was first cultivated in Ethiopia. Since then, coffee has been the universal hero responsible for countless early…
Cappuccino Ice Cream Cakes

Heavenly Cappuccino Ice Cream Cakes Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious and impressive dessert that will wow your guests? Then look no further than our Cappuccino Ice Cream Cakes Recipe. This recipe combines the rich…
Cappuccino Cakes

Delicious and Easy Cappuccino Cake Recipe

Welcome coffee lovers! Today, I am going to share with you the ultimate treat for your taste buds – the cappuccino cake recipe. This cake is the perfect combination of…
Creamy Mocha Frozen Dessert

Delicious Creamy Mocha Frozen Dessert Recipe

Have you ever craved something cool, creamy, and satisfying? Look no further than this creamy mocha frozen dessert recipe. This dessert is rich and creamy with a deliciously impressive taste…