Delicious Iced Mocha Shake Recipe for Summer

Step right up and get ready to experience one of the most refreshing and delicious coffee-based beverages you’ve ever tasted – the iced mocha shake! This recipe will transport your taste buds to a whole new level of decadence and delight with its rich, creamy mocha flavor and icy coolness. Trust me when I say that this is not your average coffee milkshake – it’s so much more.

As a barista, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of a good coffee drink, and this iced mocha shake is no exception. It is the perfect way to cool down on a hot summer day or indulge in something sweet during your afternoon break. Plus, it’s incredibly simple to make with just a few ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen! So if you’re ready for an epic treat that will make you swoon, grab a blender and let’s get shaking.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Iced Mocha Shake
Iced Mocha Shake

Are you a fan of that rich, chocolatey goodness combined with bold coffee flavor? Then you’ll surely love this iced mocha shake recipe! This drink is the perfect blend of chilled coffee and ice cream with a twist of cocoa powder and chocolate syrup to create an undeniably luscious and revitalizing beverage.

With just five ingredients, namely brewed coffee, unsweetened cocoa powder, milk, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate syrup, this iced mocha shake recipe brings together the refreshing elements that make it the ultimate drink for all seasons. Unlike a hot caffeinated drink that can be overwhelming on a warm day or an ordinary milkshake that lacks depth in flavor, this mocha milkshake combines the best of both worlds for a delightful chilled dessert drink.

What’s more impressive about this mocha fusion shake recipe is its versatility. You can substitute some of the ingredients to make variations according to your preference. If you want to keep it healthy yet flavorful, you can use Premier protein shakes instead of vanilla ice cream or perhaps add tahini or dark chocolate for a double chocolate mocha latte.

To top it off, this Iced Mocha Shake Recipe is simple to make! Anyone can create this blended delicacy with as little effort as possible. A quick spin in the blender will set your taste buds tingling with that rich, creamy texture that’s impossible to resist.

There are not so many drinks out there in the world that offer the delicious combination of chocolate and coffee like this Iced Mocha Shake Recipe does. It’s time for you to taste and feel how these two flavors complement each other beautifully. Trust me; one sip is all it takes!

Ingredient List

 Iced Mocha Shake: the perfect summer treat!
Iced Mocha Shake: the perfect summer treat!

Here are the 5 ingredients you will need to make this delicious Iced Mocha Shake Recipe:

1. Brewed coffee:

This is the base of the recipe, and it’s what creates that classic mocha flavor that everyone loves. You will need 1 cup of strong brewed coffee.

2. Frozen yogurt / ice cream:

The frozen yogurt or ice cream adds a creamy texture and balances out the bitterness of the coffee. You will need 2 cups of vanilla ice cream, or 2 cups of frozen yogurt.

3. Milk:

The milk helps to blend all the ingredients together and enhances the creamy texture. You will need 1/2 cup of milk, any kind you prefer.

4. Cocoa powder:

The cocoa powder adds a rich chocolate flavor to the shake. You will need 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder.

5. Sugar:

This ingredient adds sweetness to the shake, and you can adjust the amount based on your sweetness preference. You will need 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

With these 5 ingredients, you can create a delicious, creamy and chocolatey drink. Don’t hesitate to make substitutions and variations! Keep reading for some ideas.

The Recipe How-To

 Sip on happiness with this indulgent iced mocha shake!
Sip on happiness with this indulgent iced mocha shake!

Now that we have gathered all the recipe ingredients needed, let’s dive into the recipe steps for making this delicious Iced Mocha Shake Recipe.

Step 1: Prepare the Brewer Coffee and Chilled Coffee

The first step to making this mocha shake recipe is to brew a cup of strong coffee, which will serve as the base for our mocha milkshake. Next, chill the coffee in a mason jar or any other sealed container in the fridge for some time.

Step 2: Blend the Ingredients

Now it’s time to blend all the ingredients of this chocolatey drink together. First, add 1 1/2 cups of vanilla ice cream and 1/2 cup frozen yogurt into a blender. Then pour in 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder followed by 1/4 cup chocolate syrup, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/3 cup chilled brewed coffee.

Step 3: Add Milk

Continue adding the milk into the blender. First add 1/2 cup cold brew coffee, then add another 1/2 cup milk.

Step 4: Add More Flavor

To add more flavor to our Iced Mocha Shake Recipe, add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 tablespoon instant coffee or espresso powder into the blender. Give it a quick blend until everything is combined and smooth.

Step 5: Pour and Decorate

Once everything is nicely blended, add some ice cubes into a tall glass and pour in your mocha fusion shake. Top it with some whipped cream and chocolate curls for decoration.

Enjoy your deliciously creamy mocha shake!

Substitutions and Variations

 Cold, creamy and chocolaty - all in one sip!
Cold, creamy and chocolaty – all in one sip!

If you want to switch up the flavors in your iced mocha shake recipe, there are plenty of substitutions and variations you can try! Here are some ideas to get you started:

– Swap out the vanilla ice cream for chocolate or coffee-flavored ice cream for a more intense flavor.

– Instead of using frozen yogurt, try using a scoop or two of protein powder for a mocha protein shake. Premier Protein Shake or Mocha Fusion Protein Shake is an excellent choice.

– For a dairy-free version, replace the milk with almond milk or coconut milk. You can also use coconut whipped cream instead of regular whipped cream on top.

– Add a drizzle of tahini or peanut butter to your shake for some extra nutty flavor.

– Want it a little sweeter? Add an extra tablespoon (or three) of sugar, or drizzle in more chocolate syrup.

– For a dark chocolate twist, swap out the cocoa powder with unsweetened dark chocolate. You can also add dark chocolate chips or shavings to your shake.

– Freeze leftover coffee into ice cubes and blend them instead of plain ice cubes. This will give you more depth to the coffee flavor.

By experimenting with different substitutions and variations, you can create your unique and personalized iced mocha shake recipe that suits your taste buds!

Serving and Pairing

 The ultimate coffee-chocolate-lovers dream come true!
The ultimate coffee-chocolate-lovers dream come true!

Now that you’ve mastered the art of making this delicious iced mocha shake, it’s time to serve it up and enjoy! This creamy and indulgent mocha shake pairs perfectly with a variety of different treats and snacks.

One classic pairing for this iced mocha shake is a warm chocolate chip cookie or a freshly baked brownie. The contrast of the cold and silky smooth shake against the warm and gooey dessert is pure heaven.

If you’re looking for something a little different, try pairing your iced mocha shake with a piece of banana bread or a slice of coffee cake. The flavors will complement each other perfectly.

For those who want an extra boost of energy, try adding a scoop of premier protein powder to the recipe to make it a mocha protein shake. It’ll be the perfect breakfast or workout drink to give you that extra edge.

For those who want to stick with the classic coffee pairing, try serving your iced mocha shake with a shot of espresso on the side. The rich coffee flavor of your iced mocha shake mixed with the bold intensity of espresso is a match made in heaven.

Finally, don’t forget to add whipped cream and chocolate curls on top for that perfect finishing touch. Enjoy!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 This iced mocha shake is your midday pick-me-up!
This iced mocha shake is your midday pick-me-up!

When it comes to the iced mocha shake, it’s always a good idea to make a batch ahead of time so you can enjoy it whenever you please. To make-ahead, prepare a large batch of the mocha milkshake recipe and store it in an airtight container in the freezer for later use.

When you’re ready to serve, allow the shake to thaw for a few minutes before re-blending it in your blender. This will ensure that you get the perfect consistency of your drink. You can also store any leftover servings in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Reheating this drink is not recommended as heat can cause separation and loss of flavor. But if you have some leftovers that you want to reheat, do so gently over low heat and be cautious not to boil or overcook it. The best way to consume this drink is to serve chilled.

In case you want to serve this drink at a social gathering or family event, which requires longer storage times or if you plan on transporting it, pre-freezing the shake in individual portions using ice cube trays is perfect! Once frozen, just pop out the cubes and store them in an airtight container or Ziploc bag in the freezer until needed. This way, your guests can grab their little coffee cubes and drop them into their cup before adding their liquid ingredients.

Nothing beats a homemade cold and delicious iced mocha shake. Whether enjoyed during hot summer days or chilly winter nights, this recipe is always perfect- even when prepared ahead of time!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Cool off from the heat of the sun with this refreshing drink.
Cool off from the heat of the sun with this refreshing drink.

When it comes to perfecting the art of coffee-making, a great recipe and ingredients are only the beginning. To take your Iced Mocha Shake to the next level, here are some tips and tricks that will help you nail down the perfect result every time.

Firstly, if you’re looking for an extra rich mocha flavor in your shake, try using a dark chocolate or a double chocolate syrup instead of regular chocolate syrup. This is sure to intensify the flavor profile and give you a more decadent taste.

Secondly, if you prefer a more nutty flavor, you can try substituting tahini for the chocolate syrup. Tahini is made from sesame seeds and it brings out the natural flavors of cocoa powder really well.

Thirdly, to make your shake even creamier and richer, add one scoop of vanilla ice cream along with frozen yogurt. This will thicken up your shake and give it a smoother texture than frozen yogurt alone.

Fourthly, to make your Iced Mocha Shake protein-packed, add mocha protein powder or premier protein shakes to your recipe. This will add an extra creamy texture with less sugar while keeping you fuller longer.

Another key consideration is ice – too little ice will mean a thin milkshake-like consistency while too much ice could water down the flavor of your shake. For perfect results, add 1 cup of ice cubes initially; if you feel like it needs more once blended then another 1/2 cup should suffice.

Finally, for coffee lovers who want an extra caffeine kick, try using cold brew coffee instead of regular brewed coffee in your recipe. Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water overnight and it creates a mellower and sweeter taste profile than regular brewed coffee.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll achieve an irresistible Iced Mocha Shake that’s sure to impress even the most critical coffee connoisseurs!


Now that you have all the necessary information and guidelines to make a delicious iced mocha shake recipe, let’s answer some of the most common and significant questions that might arise during the preparation of this drink. So, whether you’re looking for substitutions or variations or want to know about the serving size or storage options, these frequently asked questions will help guide you further in your coffee journey.

What is a mocha milkshake made of?

Alright, I’m going to take you through a simple recipe for a delectable coffee-chocolate milkshake. First of all, you will need to gather these items: ice cream, chocolate, coffee, and vanilla extract. Then, let’s get started!

Begin by blending your ice cream, chocolate, coffee, and a dash of vanilla extract together in a blender. Keep blending until it’s nice and smooth. Ensure that the consistency is thick and creamy to give it that perfect milkshake texture.

After blending, take your milkshake glass and pour the mixture inside. I always recommend using a tall glass to give your milkshake the chance to shine. This is where you can get creative with your garnishes. I recommend using chocolate curls as that extra level of elegance, and really, who doesn’t love chocolate curls?

This recipe is so easy to follow and yields a mouthwatering milkshake as a result. Trust me, once you give this one a try, you’ll crave this coffee-chocolate milkshake time and time again.

How is a iced mocha made?

To start off your delicious iced cocoa coffee, take your cocoa powder and mix it with a drizzle of hot water until it forms a smooth syrup at the bottom of your trusty mason jar. Once it’s ready, add ice to your jar and pour in your cold coffee or espresso shot. Don’t forget to add milk and give the mixture a good stir until all ingredients are well-combined. Finally, add sugar to your desired taste and if you want to take it up a notch, add some delectable and luscious whipped cream on top of your heavenly coffee blend.

What does an iced mocha have?

We’re talking about an iced coffee delight that blends our robust espresso with bitter mocha sauce, milk and ice, crowned with a dollop of whipped cream, drizzled with sweetness.

What is mocha ice cream made of?

A popular frozen dessert that requires no baking and uses only five ingredients is mocha ice cream. This sweet treat is made with heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, instant espresso powder, chocolate chips, and water, and is frozen before serving.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the iced mocha shake recipe is a simple yet delicious concoction that can be made using only a few ingredients. You’ll love this recipe because it’s versatile enough to be customized depending on your preferences, whether you prefer your coffee strong or sweet. With the helpful tips and recommendations I’ve provided, you now have everything you need to make the perfect iced mocha shake at home.

Don’t hesitate to try out any of the suggested substitutions or variations to make your own unique twist on the recipe. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting until you get that perfect blend of flavors that will satisfy your cravings.

Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or taking a break from your busy day, an iced mocha shake is the perfect way to cool off and indulge in some much-needed caffeine. Trust me when I say that this recipe will quickly become a staple in your repertoire.

So why not take a leap of faith and treat yourself today? Give this mocha shake recipe a try, and you won’t be disappointed!

Iced Mocha Shake

Iced Mocha Shake Recipe

I went through pages of coffe/mocha shakes/smoothies recipes, but didn't find one like this. So I'm posting it. You have to love coffee, but if you do, you'll love this. For calorie counters, use non-fat frozen yoghurt and skim milk and artificial sweetener. If you don't care about calories, use ice cream and cream.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Beverage
Cuisine Coffee
Servings 28 ounces
Calories 133.5 kcal


  • 1 cup fresh brewed coffee, chilled (I use French roast beans)
  • 1 cup frozen yogurt, coffee
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • sugar


  • In a blender, combine ingredients (adding sugar to taste or omitting it) and blend until smooth.
  • Pour into chilled glasses.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 310gCalories: 133.5kcalCarbohydrates: 12.9gProtein: 8gFat: 7.3gSaturated Fat: 4.6gCholesterol: 24.5mgSodium: 90.3mgFiber: 2.7gSugar: 5.8g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy, Low Cholesterol, Low Protein, Shakes
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